Liberal Assassination Plot

What the liberal media doesn't want you to know is that Robertson isn't the only one who can succumb to diarrhea of the mouth.
Now, why is it that liberals spout off about Robertson making a fool of himself and try to paint conservative Christians as the equivalent of Muslim Fundamentalist Terrorists, but when one of their own advocated the exact same thing, they were strangely silent?
Now, why is it that liberals spout off about Robertson making a fool of himself and try to paint conservative Christians as the equivalent of Muslim Fundamentalist Terrorists, but when one of their own advocated the exact same thing, they were strangely silent?
Quote from Robertson's 700 Club website:
"The 700 Club is a news/magazine program that has the variety and pacing of a morning show with in-depth investigative reporting by the CBN News team. Whether reporting live from the scene of a terrorist attack or a natural disaster, CBN News brings coverage on major events affecting our nation. The Washington Bureau reports on news from the capitol and correspondents report on events and trends that shape the world from Moscow to Jerusalem."
But Robertson, he's fair game becuase he is conservative and a minister. Do I agree with what he said? No. But I would have hoped the media would have been fair & treated Chappaquidick (sic) Teddy the same. No way. So any time the media can make hay out of a really, really far right conservative they will. The really, really far left (Kenndey-all of them, Mikey Moore, et. al.) get a pass.
One more example of the liberal media much have you heard on the news (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NYT, LAT, etc) about the illegal contributions from non-profit oragnizations in NYC to Air America. Tell me who made the contributions and how much was contributed.
What in the heck is Air America?
Air America is the latest liberal attempt to capture the radio waves. They had a hard time coming up with the funding to get started and it hasn't gotten any better. Al Franken is one of their main talk show host. I will let you take it from there, but your quetion makes my point.
The liberal camp has never been able to capture the American imagination on the radio. Guess it must be because they use multi-syllabic words and can string three words into a coherent sentence without using inflammatory language. x;-) Hope you realize I'm just kidding, Slogan. And Ray.
Bear in mind that some of us (we?) who (whom?) you consider "liberals" do have independent thought processes not dictated by bumper stickers and can construct opinions that do not fit into the cookie-cutter pattern for either party. They are not liberal, nor are they conservative. Personally, I agree with many conservative views -same sex marriage, for example, but when it comes to the war, I am definitely a conservative who thinks the Conservatives (with a capital "C") took a wrong turn at the fork in the road. And the country will be worse off for it.
On the News Hour with Jim Lehrer on PBS (okay, I'm waiting for comments on the "liberal slant" on PBS), one of the analysts (a Vietnam veteran) said that we learned, in Vietnam, how to fight an insurgency just before we boogied out of there with our tails between our legs. He said that the trick is to not chase after the insurgents (which is what we're doing now) but to defend and protect the locals. As the circle of protection gets wider and wider, the civilians you are protecting begin to help you. We don't have that. We're using combat patrols and employing tactics that were obsolete many years ago.
So, we have the opportunity to learn, but we haven't. Look at the cards, look at the opponents, and just fold.
By the way, Al Franken does an hilarious impersonation of Pat Robertson on "The Best of Saturday Night Live - SNL Presidential Bash" Everyone gets nailed and it has something for Conservatives and Liberals - and those of us who think.
The liberal Michael Moore is obnoxious, vituperative, irreverent, demeaning, and just plain ugly. But indubitably not inflammatory. Hey Beag, the evil twin, those two sentences weren't too bad for a monosyllabic conservative, huh?
And, in case you have not noticed, but I am sure you have, when your friend monobeagle says "Just Kidding", you can bet your sweet ass he means just the opposite. He's like the acid-tongued Sunday writers who typically say, "With all due respect," when they don't mean that and think it will sugar coat the acid.
"Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot."
Charlie Chaplin
2) Never trust a man who wears a tie and ball cap (at the same time).
3) Both need to shave more often.
4) Both say they're sick and tired. They're right about the first part.