mexican cricket

Hi All!

I had an experience at lunch today that I just have to share.

Today is my husband's birthday. For a change, we decided to all go out for lunch instead of dinner. We made a reservation at a favorite Mexican restaurant for 9 people and showed up at noon as scheduled.

The food is always great there, and when it arrived we began to dig in. I happend to glance up at my daughter Amanda when something very small and black popped out of her plate. Amanda was jumping around so I couldn't figure out what was going on. When she stopped, she looked shell-shocked. It turned out the little black object was a live cricket.

I was sure she must be mistaken, but she had the thing trapped in her napkin. I asked if it had jumped into her plate and then out, but the answer was no. She had taken a few bites of a her burrito, and when she cut into it with her fork the 3rd time the thing jumped out of the area she had just opened up.

Needless to say, my daughter disappeared in the bathroom for awhile, and the rest of us stared at our plates and then pushed them away.

The restaurant was VERY apologetic, and of course, did not charge us anything. I wasted several minutes trying to figure out how it survived in her hot burrito. Finally Amanda pointed out that there were cold items in there too. Either it was in the cold items or it jumped in as the burrito was being wrapped up (it was a loose wrap). Either way, we were all glad to see the little thing wasn't missing any parts.

I think we will go back to birthday dinners from now on and forget any ideas about birthday lunches.


  • 14 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Gee, thanks.... I was craving Mexican food for dinner tonight, but now I think I'll pass. x:P
  • Crickets are actually not bad for you. There's a native tribe in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas that grills ants and crickets in lime juice and other spices. Pretty good.

    25 years ago or so my aunt took me on what I then thought was the most boring trip ever, trekking through the jungles of southern Mexico and South America. Roughing it would be an understatement. I remember climbing so many pyramids and visiting so many archaelogical sites that I thought I had Cousteau beat. I only began to appreciate that trip about 10 years ago.

  • La Ruta Maya! I spent a month on it a few years ago. Awesome sights. I carefully avoided some of the local cuisine, though - "hay algo sin carne?" Hopefully they considered bugs as meat and didn't slip me any.

    A friend of mine had the cricket thing happen at an Applebees - we both got the same salad, but her cricket didn't jump out, it was just laying there. Neither of us ate another bite after that, either.
  • Rattlesnake, coon, possum and grasshopper are good for you too; but, don't look for me to order them for lunch tomorrow, Gene. La Cuccaracha is a hearty side dish too, I'm told, south of the border.

  • I don't know about cockroaches - kind of doubt it, but grasshoppers are delicacies in Oaxaca state. There is a Oaxacan community in a city close to us and as soon as I find out the best restaurant, I'm going to try it.
  • I am deathly afraid of bugs! My older brother when we were kids use to chase me with centipedes and throw them on me. The thought of a bug being considered a delicacy makes my head spin! I think I will fast for the next couple of days...
  • Nae Nae, please tell me you're not in the KC area! I don't want to find out this is also my favorite Mexican place.
  • Your in luck! We were in Topeka.

    I keep trying to think positive thoughts about the restaurant since the food there is always so good. However, I am afraid I won't ever be able to eat there again.

    I discovered an employee is planning on having dinner there tonight (it is a real favorite among our employees). I decided to wait until tomorrow to tell her about our adventure...or should I say, MISadventure. I don't want to put the place out of business, I just don't want to share my lunch with any critters.
  • Nah, don't say anything. It was probably a one time event, happening who knows how. If the restaurant is really a bad one, your employees will also find crickets and who knows what else in their food, and the restaurant will go out of business.
  • Crickets in a Mexican restaurant are not unusual. Just as finding a skint cat in the freezer of a Chinese eatery is not unusual. But, you will never see a stray cat anywhere near an inner city hot tamale place. hmmmm.

  • We vacationed in Oaxaca, Mexico earlier this year. One evening, we ordered a combination plate for two for dinner. Had no idea what we were getting. I scooped a little of everything on my plate -- one scoop was especially tasty. I even remarked how GOOD it was. About half way through, I noticed something about this particular scoop. There were little legs sticking out! Yes, they were the delicacy of this area -- grasshoppers. There were sauteed in olive oil and garlic. I had to cover what was left on my plate with a chip in order to eat the rest of my dinner.

    We bought a jar of dried grasshoppers before we left. I brought them to work, and passed the jar around at the staff meeting. (I said I brought a special treat back from Mexico to share.) A few tried them. It was quite the talk for the week.
  • Oh, good. You left some for me.
  • I think very few of us would ever eat in a restaurant ever again if we only knew the half of what goes on in most. I have heard some real horror stories. I have convinced myself it just couldn't be that bad.
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