
I actually went shopping this past weekend, something I rarely do (my daughter shops for me or I shop online) cause I just don't like crowds or really care to be away from my home... BUT I took my daughter shopping at a MALL (ughhh) for maternity clothes! And OMG things have sure changed. Maternity clothes ain't what they used to be! 25 years ago when I was "with child" the clothes were cute but basically designed to cover you up. NOW they are so cute and SEXY! I couldn't believe it, it was great! I've always thought there is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman and it is about dang time that designers realized this also. I told Lisa I'm going to get pregnant just so I can wear these cute clothes. She rolled her eyes at that that so I said "ok I'm just dreamin". People on here often complain about things changing for the worst, this is one thing I think is definetly for the BEST.
Cheryl C.
Being a (late) 30-something who needs to figure out a way to wear these trendier maternity clothes, I am not quite as enamoured with the more revealing styles. Not that I don't appreciate stylish, I just want to be sure when I go to sit down in a staff meeting that everything (top to bottom, front to back) is covered.
I sound like such an old fuddy duddy ("These kids these days and their clothes!").
Maybe some old thrift shops will have some of the old fashioned maternity clothes for me.
Never heard it put quite that way before.
Congratulations to Dad (and you too).
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
There is no way NOT to stare at the protuberance hanging out. I, for one, do not find that cute at all.