Do you?

I am curious, please respond to the following. I have one television and doubt it is on more than 2 days total (hours) in a YEAR. It is pretty much sitting there for company or major events in the world. I read an article when I was in my early 40's (no questions about when that was, thankyouverymuch) about the amount of time humans spent sitting watching the tube and the stats blew me away. I stopped watching it. Is Big brother a show about older siblings? Does Trump go on tv and style his do? I have no clue!!!!
So, how many hours a week do you sit and watch t.v.? Do you watch educational/current news shows or sitcoms? And finally, what is the point? Is it relaxing???
So many questions, any answers x:-/
Happy NBC, ABC, CBS etc etc etc
Disclaimer: None of my posts are intended to discombobulate any persons. Should this happen, I would suggest taking a "mental health day" and getting over it.
So, how many hours a week do you sit and watch t.v.? Do you watch educational/current news shows or sitcoms? And finally, what is the point? Is it relaxing???
So many questions, any answers x:-/
Happy NBC, ABC, CBS etc etc etc
Disclaimer: None of my posts are intended to discombobulate any persons. Should this happen, I would suggest taking a "mental health day" and getting over it.
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
Happy viewing...
BUT, our TV in the living room is ON from 5:30 am to about 11-11:30 pm. Once, we went out of town for a couple of days and there had been a storm so the TV had turned off....well, when we got home our two cats were fighting (hissing, etc.) So now we leave the TV on all the time just so they have company. They rarely fight now! They like to have some type of noise in the house.
When I'm at work, I just imagine them sitting at home relaxing watching their "soaps."
We have 2 TV's and both are rarely used. Recently bought a nice oak entertainment center for the one, and I wonder why since we use it so little. I mostly watch sports when I do watch, football, basketball and baseball. Oh, and car racing and tennis, too. I actually enjoy the PBS pledge drives because they often air good concerts.
I get my fair and balanced political commentary from reading Don's posts.
Disclaimer: None of my posts are intended to discombobulate any persons. Should this happen, I would suggest taking a "mental health day" and getting over it.
If I watch an hour of tv a week, that's a lot for me (unless there's a good movie on). My husband and I have very different tastes in programs anyway and I can't stand it when he channel surfs. We have 3 tvs in our house...2 too many in my humble opinion. :-)
Cheryl C.
I watch the news for traffic and weather in the morning since I am on the road a majority of my time. In the evenings, I will watch FoxNews, I don't like the liberal bias of the network news. I watch 24 and American Idol (I know) and will occasionally watch Everybody Loves Raymond, the History Channel, or the Discovery Channel (I like American Chopper and American Hot Rod). During football season, I am glued to the TV - collegiate and professional, doesn't matter. That is the season I watch most of my TV. During the summer, I try to stay out of the FL heat during the mid-day, so I may watch the Food Network (my wife and I like to get recipe ideas). I am an avid reader, and prefer to read over watching the "tube."
But when we are watching, generally, it's something historical or educational. I love the forensic science shows...and how people come up with creative ideas to solve problems. My hubby really enjoys the Myth Busters I think they are on discovery. I sometimes think that had these shows been on when I was a kid, I would have followed a different career path. I just didn't realize it was out there.
Our baby watches WAY too much. My mom, who watches her 3 days a week, has gotten her hooked on the baby einsteins and the little people videos. She does play and interact and chatter through the whole thing, but I'd just as soon she rarely's out of the bag, I guess.
I can't sit still and watch, I have to be doing other things at the same time. My husband refuses to take me to the movies for that reason.....
: )
I will not watch national news shows on the big three and it gripes me to no end when I notice that my wife has flipped from Fox on Saturday early to the bobble-head-blondes on CNN.
Anyone watching the new show where lawyers are trying real cases and competing to be named the best litigator? Don't remember the name or the network, but it looks like it has the potential to be entertaining.
As for the channel surfer, I am one. As Seinfeld said, men are not interested in what is on tv, they are interested in what else is on tv.
Regular shows? Law & Order from time to time, West Wing and ER all the time. I'm in heaven when I have a Monday off - Every Monday is a West Wing Marathon on Bravo. On the 4th of July my SO wanted to go to a movie, heaven forbid, so I had to throw in a tape. If there's no good sports on, I start watching that!
Lest you think I'm some kind of neanderthal, I do try to watch the 10 pm news. If I miss it, I catch up early the next morning while I'm getting ready for work.
P.S. - PBS favorites are As Time Goes By, Are You Being Served, Waiting for God, Keeping Up Appearances and Mystery.
Guess I watch more tv than I thought, huh? #-o
>local stations....when the stories start to
>recycle, I tell him enough is enough!).
I'm impressed. Here the local news is almost as big a joke as the NY Post. Major headline stories are of the try to scare you to death sort (why eating out in some restaurants can get you poisoned--stay tuned for this story that could save your life or the lives of those you love, why you should teach your children to cross at the green not inbetween, how safe is your drinking water, how safe is your bottled water, how safe is your boiled water.)
If it's so damn scary, why aren't they telling me now!
BTW, when I was in college in Greenville, NC we would make it a tradition to grab a few beers and watch the local WITN news. It was hilarious. I think we even made a drinking game out of it. Every flub, you had to take a drink.
Oh, those were the days.
These days, I watch exactly as much TV as I want to -- no less, no more -- and I don't feel guilty about it. I love good writing, whether it comes in a book, a screenplay, or a television script, so I look for shows that are well-written and well-acted, regardless of the genre. I will occasionally get hooked on a reality show, but I like to think they are the "better ones", like The Amazing Race. Other than that, HGTV and Food Network are sort of my default channels. I prefer to get my news from the newspaper and radio, because I find TV news so repetitive and sensational that it drives me nuts.