Something's Loose

Does this latest NASA launch seem odd? Prior to even setting the date, NASA officials were giving press conferences about tiles coming off and the damge done when they do. The launch was postponed once when something came unglued on the side and they wondered what damage it would do. Then just prior to liftoff that was the primary topic; what if the tiles still come off? Then immediately following liftoff, NASA engineers and managers were viewing tiles or something flying off compliments of a hundred cameras. Now, the next day, all we hear are NASA officials wondering if this flight is in trouble. It's like, 'Hey, let's send this thing full of people up and see if we still have trouble with the tiles and the damage done by loose tiles.' 'We know we don't have it solved, but let's see just how bad it is.'
Rather than exploration and information gathering, NASA has become a series of billion dollar laboratory experiments using human rats.
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
Rather than exploration and information gathering, NASA has become a series of billion dollar laboratory experiments using human rats.
Disclaimer: This message is not intended to offend or attack. It is posted as personal opinion. If you find yourself offended or uncomfortable, email me and let me know why.
Remember the gasket leak years ago that caused a disaster, NASA knew it was there and overlooked it as an acceptable level of risk. For the life of me I can’t understand why they operate under this type of management. I believe in the space program but not at the cost of human life. There is something that needs to change within that organization and just a change in management won’t cut it. A complete culture change is needed and until then we can only hold our breath that there will not be another disaster.
>Rather than exploration and information
>gathering, NASA has become a series of billion
>dollar laboratory experiments using human rats.
>It's interesting that if they used real rats PETA would probably be protesting, but since its humans, they are being quiet.
In any case, my cynical response is that if NASA doesn't send people into space, a lot of the bureaucrats will lose their jobs (and which is more important).
If any astronaut answered 'no' to the question of whether there might be something wrong, that would be an IQ test for sure.
"shuttle program manager William W. Parsons's decision to postpone future flights indefinitely"
So I guess we can all take a deep sigh of relief now, knowing that if anything tragic occurs, the idea to postpone future flights has already been contemplated.
I'm sure the families of these astronauts are comforted.
(How did their families feel about this questionable flight? I'm having visions of Kathleen Quinlan in "Apollo 13" asking for a pre-flight divorce or extra life insurance.)
I don't want to see the loss of life either, but there is some risk in things worth doing.
I don't view this at all as 'taking an acceptable level of risk'. Taking risk is knowing that something could go wrong, but probably assuming it won't and thinking things are safe. Stupidly taking risk is knowing precisely what it is that could go wrong, knowing it went wrong last time, knowing it's not corrected, watching it go wrong pre-flight, then, by gosh and by golly watching it go wrong again this time just like it did last time. I forgot how many billions have spent since the last disaster, 'looking at the problem'.
I listened to some of the antique astronauts on a talk panel last night. John Glenn and Aldrin I think it was. Both said they would do lots of stuff differently and both intimated NASA is politically motivated. Both hinted that sh*t happens and some risk is always there. And both said they 'hope the craft comes back to earth'.
We are a great mix of people...and we need that diverse mix to continue moving ahead and grow.
I wish the astonauts well...and hope for a safe return...but if something goes wrong, I also know that they will be a peace with their choice and I hope their families will find that same peace.
Yep, it is sad and ANOTHER reason not to watch t.v. This stuff is crazy making. No tv, no newspapers, very little radio, try it, you might like it!
Disclaimer: None of my posts are intended to discombobulate any persons. Should this happen, I would suggest taking a "mental health day" and getting over it.