New Pet Peeve

Having spent the past eight days in airports and business locations in parts of Mississippi, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, I have a new total pet peeve. Guys (and a few women) who walk around with those new-fangled, hands-free telephone head sets screwed into and over their right ears, some with blinking neon lights, talking at the top of their voice, ranting on and on for eternity, never shutting up. There was a time when men in white uniforms would cart these people off. These people really think they are so damned indispensible that their business or social acquaintances or spouse cannot operate or survive for an hour without their instruction and insight. They're running off at the mouth until the stewardess announces 'shut them off' and they're dialing as soon as she announces 'you can now use them'. They're on them for hours walking and sitting in the terminal. Hell, they're on them in the airport lounge and at the urinal.
When I was at the urinal in the Atlanta Nightmare Airport last night, a guy's phone rang. He either had a head set or a free hand (?). I heard him say (at the top of his voice), "We'll right now I'm in the Atlanta terminal...". I could not resist. He was three or four 'units' down from me. I said, "Tell her the truth. Tell her you're taking a whiz at a urinal in Atlanta and you'll call back." I don't usually talk to people in bathrooms. I heard several guys crack up and "the yacker" said, "I don't think I'll share that detail". Hell, why not? He share's the rest of his boring life in detail with anybody within 50 feet of him.
When I was at the urinal in the Atlanta Nightmare Airport last night, a guy's phone rang. He either had a head set or a free hand (?). I heard him say (at the top of his voice), "We'll right now I'm in the Atlanta terminal...". I could not resist. He was three or four 'units' down from me. I said, "Tell her the truth. Tell her you're taking a whiz at a urinal in Atlanta and you'll call back." I don't usually talk to people in bathrooms. I heard several guys crack up and "the yacker" said, "I don't think I'll share that detail". Hell, why not? He share's the rest of his boring life in detail with anybody within 50 feet of him.
I was once in the rest room at home depot, there was a woman in a stall, sitting there chatting on a cell phone. I cannot for the life of me imagine what was so important. These lunatics truly believe that they are so important. ICK! I will never aspire to be THAT important. I am perfectly happy being an ordinary girl.
I think it's 'generational.' Don't know many 'boomers' strapped to an ear bud.
One time I was in a deli where a customer was running his mouth so much on his phone, that he didn't realize that he was leaving a trail of his soup as he left the store.
I've never seen so much insecurity. People walk the streets with these things in their ears and don't pay attention to on coming traffic when crossing.
Another new pet peeve is sitting next to someone on the bus who has to make several calls, one right after the other, to let people know exactly where they are and talk about nothing. They hang up, then dial another number, then another number and another. It never ends.
In any case, I was once on a bus where a woman (in the obligatory loud voice) started off by saying "I just heard the most interesting news...promise you'll keep it a secret"
I don't mind cell phones...but they have become the top priority...and it's just sad. The use in public is embarrassing....personal conversations are no longer personal..and I keep that in mind when I'm on the phone with anyone!!!
But, I've never, never, never used my cell phone while on the toilet! That's just not right.
Cheryl C.
I know I heard a month ago that they are lifting the restriction on using them in flight. Now we can expect to listen to the yackers during the whole flight.
Re cell phones in flight, relax Livindon! There is good news! Airlines are actually polling people to find out if they would favor using cell phones in flight and the majority of respondents are saying NOOOOOOO!!!!! x:-)
I remember going home from work on the train a few weeks ago. There was a man sitting behind me talking on his cell phone in a very LOUD voice in Russian. From what I remember of my college Russian, he was not very happy with Americans. The first time he made a disparaging comment about Americans I turned sharply and GLARED at him. He looked very shocked that someone might understand (at least a few words) of what he was saying. He started speaking a lot more quietly, then... x:-) Never underestimate the power of a well-timed glare.
Not to hijack this thread, but I'm reminded of a sign along I-5 on the way to Seattle:
"Welcome to America. Now, speak English."
On a side note, this is when I feel really old. No one brings a good book to AT anymore! They all have portable DVD players, PS2s, portable TVs, etc.