Best News Anchor

Sad about Peter Jennings. We've lost several (for different reasons) lately. There have been many news anchors, but my all time favorite was Walter Cronkite. To me he really was the most trusted. Anyone else have a favorite?
Good night Chet.
Good night David, and good night from NBC news.
But, they're all showmen and show-women. Laurie Dew is the biggest hoot, what with those weekly collagen shoot-ups! Sam Donaldson is the most irritating. Wolfgang Blitzer get's the 'floating turd in a punchbowl' award. And Larry King can't be counted as a newscaster...he's into endorsing prune juice and maalox.
Maybe I'd prefer Chet and David or maybe Harry Reasoner, although they were all probably died in the wool liberals. I once heard Eric Severied, LIVE, and he was very good. Probably nobody remembers him.
Someone died in the wool? What did they do, scratch themselves to death? Ha!
...sorry that was corny...I'll go back in my corner now...
it may seem like a fake news program...but leave it to the daily show to point out inconsistancies and stupidity on both sides of the aisle!