NEWS FLASH: "Friendly takeover"

This just in...
Forum friends sweep Town Hall, ousting elected officials for more important matters.
"Shoes! Less Taxes, more shoes!", shouts one.
"Six weeks paid military leave", cries another.
The third accomplice refused to comment; however, she murmured something about M. Lee Smith Publishers sponsoring a cruise for HRForumites.
The trio met in a 'kickoff' weekend consisting of undisclosed activities at local establishments.
Forum friends sweep Town Hall, ousting elected officials for more important matters.
"Shoes! Less Taxes, more shoes!", shouts one.
"Six weeks paid military leave", cries another.
The third accomplice refused to comment; however, she murmured something about M. Lee Smith Publishers sponsoring a cruise for HRForumites.
The trio met in a 'kickoff' weekend consisting of undisclosed activities at local establishments.
And...... that's the ticket, a shoe expense account.
Just where did the elected officials get ousted? Were they given shovels to lean on or a trash truck to drive, or were they given HR duties for the day. If given HR duties I'd check your AAP Sam, you may need to tweak it to include some males in your takeover, equal opportunity for all.
Obviously Safety...The important thing is that we danced around the issues so well that it kept everyone spellbound.
>I speculate maybe a shopping spree for shoes, a visit to the local NG unit, a trip to the travel agency, and a night on the town, ah heck, who knows.
You got 2 out of 4 right!
>Just where did the elected officials get ousted? Were they given shovels to lean on or a trash truck to drive, or were they given HR duties for the day.
Refer to the movie that Sam mentioned earlier. If you haven't seen it, you won't understand.
Yup, saw the movie but for some reason Dolly is about all I remember, was her name also on the bathroom wall under for a good time call?
I can only speculate the what these three ladies must have been saying about the Forum during their little coup d'etat... Did they praise (or hang) Don in effigy? Did the police finally intervene or did Sam confiscate their shoes? x;-)
Oh the police intervened all right, but only long enough for the Captian to invite us to go dancing with him. We declined due to a previously-booked engagement.
After Sam's comment about "for a good time call" I am really, REALLY biting my tongue. I hate to pass up such a sterling opportunity for a snappy retort!