Name popularity
ray a
5,703 Posts
Click on the link and type in your first name to see how popular it was and is. I was named after my grandfather and in his day it was a popular name. Today, not so popular. [url][/url]
We just named our daughter Madelyn (I wanted an old name, hubby wanted something unusual-so we met 1/2way) and that spelling is ranking at 116.
My first name peaked in the 60's and dropped off the chart in 2003. (real name, not my Forum moniker)
Cheryl C.
Don't be discouraged, Ray. Obviously, they aren't aware that Everybody Loves Raymond. x;-)
James Sokolowski
No, Hunter x:-), I wasn't going to follow up on Beagle's line. I like to watch him wade out into the deep end. (Was it Nixon or Johnson who picked up the Beagle by its ears?)
The highest my name ever got was #326 in 1900. It isn't even in the top 1000 as of 2003. x:-(
May counterpart in our CT facility is named Rae. I mention that for no particular reason.