Need Vacation Ideas

Have not had a "real" vacation in ages (the kind where you go somewhere away from home and tell the rest of the world to go get bent for awhile) and so I'm looking for ideas about where to go (careful, Don x:-)). I have lots of frequent flyer miles and two weeks to burn before December. Anyone have any ideas? I'm looking for something fun to do in a Sept-Oct time frame.
Good luck!
Gene, your idea is conceptually sound, but would probably be fatal in execution - I'd need a vacation to recover from the vacation. x;-)
If you are OK with solitude and not really much to do in terms of touristy stuff, that time of year is perfect for the Smoky Mountains. My wife and I usually rent a cabin at the highest point in the mountain. The entire side that faces the valley is a combination of french doors and plate glass, the view is incredible. Indoor and outdoor hot tubs, fireplace, comfy couch. The best. Lots of stuff to do during the day. The nature trails are great. Also, if you plan on doing the entire two weeks there, you could make a side trip down to Nashville and enjoy Music City USA for at least a few days.
My wife and I are always game for dinner on the General Jackson showboat if you decide to come down..........
>spent much time on the east coast - but I'll be
>traveling solo, so "romantic" isn't much of a
Scratch the Smoky Mountains idea. Go for an all-inclusive adult resort in the Bahamas. By adult I don't mean the monkey business type. Something with like-minded guests and no rug-rats peeing in the pool or screaming their brains out during dinner.
If you don't believe me that Austin's a fun town, just ask Safety.
I try to get down there every few years. I hate it because I never want to leave
Or, I highly recommend the Ruta Maya - southern Mexico, the Yucatan, and if you're really adventurous, Guatemala and Belize. The indigenous culture is incredible. They speak English in Belize!
But I get the feeling you're thinking domestic travel. I honeymooned in Colorado a year ago October and it was wonderful. Or, you can swing by a lovely farm in central Nebraska, visit a kitten barn, chase chickens, take a deep breath of MONEY (hint: think cattle), and many other fun activities.
Why not go to Hawaii pick an island.
I love Kauaii. It is very scenic and if you love the water lots of things to do but it does rain alot on this island, Fern Grotto is gorgeous, caves lots of hiking trails, the canyons... Sorry got carried away.
Go on a cruise to the Hawaiian islands for 7 days I believe the cruise leaves from Los Angeles, CA.
Then you could go to Las Vegas afterwards or stay and travel around California.
If you pick one of my ideas can I come. ;;)
And, just for the record, our policy states that we get to keep our frequent flyer miles when we travel on co. business. x:-)
Our Leadership Retreat is around that time - we hope to go to Disneyland this year. Disneyland is not so much fun by yourself, but with 48 women (and 3 men...) it gets pretty entertaining.