I'm resolved to live another year just like the last one. I like myself (regardless of what the rest of you say) and I've done some really good things that will remain secret. And I will do more of it next year.
My resolution for others is somewhat similar to Dasher's (at least for the Forum, which is not quite my entire world). Most of the chronic bitchers and moaners have moved on, but I would ask the rest of you to resolve to be not so thin skinned when you ask for opinions and suggestions and not so quick to criticize honest opinions, whether or not you agree with them. Disagree with the opinion but not the person holding it. And for God's sakes, don't continue to slam me because I am a conservative or a Southerner or a Republican.
Hey Don, don't feel so bad, I am constantly slammed for being a vegetarian! I have decided that rather than try to defend it constantly to just say it is my choice and one that I am very happy with, thank you!
I resolve for my husband to limit his trips as follows:
Home Depot - 3 per year Radio Shack - 4 per year (one for the battery club only) Happy hours - Okay - 26 (pay days). Circuit City - Stay out completely
I would like it if all people who come to a 4 way stop sign learn the rules. If you're there first then you go first. It's really that simple. It should be illegal to resolve who goes first by a series of gestures, waves or headlights!!!
Home depot only 3 times per year??? Say it aint so! I think I could give up anything easier than my trips to Home Depot or Lowes, they are like places of worship to me.
I would like to make resolutions for my dogs! The puppy should resolve to not chew any more pillows and stop trying to rip up the tiles in the dog room! The older dog should resolve to stop growling whenever someone new pets her.
LOL actually the older dog, my 8 yr old FEMALE mini schnauzer DOES hump every leg in sight! She always has and when she meets new dogs she tries the same. I once dated a guy that had a 90 lb male yellow lab and when 22 lb Tasha met him she tried to hump him!...The lab put a stop to that real quick! Tasha particularly likes to hump females legs so I've always referred to her as my lesbian dog. Yes she's a democrat as well.
My parents have a female black lab that is a humper. Her name is Samantha and we call her Sahumptha. She actually only humps other dogs particularly my female black lab.
I've told my dad I will send him the therapy bills for my children. When my son was 5, he was playing with two little toy dogs. My wife walked by and he had one dog was humping the other. She stopped, aghast, and asked him what he was doing. He said he was doing what "Sammy" does. Oh boy!
ha ha ha Don. She does demand that I provide her every whim, she is quite a princess. I figure she's a democrat cause she's so liberal...she humps males and females and an occassional pillow or stuffed animal.
Ho Ho (no pun intended). Far be it from me to recognize that if she humps everything in sight she must be a Democrat. Let's be clear to the audience who it was who reached that conclusion!
**When we do for others what they should do for themselves, we disempower them.**
Twisted resolutions? Okay, this year I'm going to take up smoking and gain about 30 pounds. I'm never going to work out and since I won't be using my treadmill, I'm going to let it collect dust or use it to hang my clothes on. Plus, if I feel like sleeping in until noon (and my son is with his dad) then I'm going to do it. I stopped seeing the fellow I was seeing earlier this year, so this year I resolve to stop dating completely and just hang out by myself & control the remote control. Finally, I resolve to let every petty thing that bothers me rule my head and my emotions and bring havoc to those around me. Look out folks x:D
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-05-05 AT 07:34AM (CST)[/font][br][br]You mean this xhugs? Thanks! I just spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to get the icon out of the code - then like magic. I'm too old for this - my learning curve goes over the horizon.
Shadow, if you don't want to fool with the code, just drag your curser across the code, highlighting it, right click on copy, then exit the icon screen, go back to your text, place your curser where you want the emotion icon, right click and click paste. Voila! you have it. There is a secret box of 'R' rated emoticons also on the Forum, and we will discuss those in our next lesson.
**When we do for others what they should do for themselves, we disempower them.**
Resolved for others: All forum posters are to do the same.
Change: If you don't want an honest opinion don't ask. Let's toughen up, and enjoy the opportunity to learn and grow.
My resolution for others is somewhat similar to Dasher's (at least for the Forum, which is not quite my entire world). Most of the chronic bitchers and moaners have moved on, but I would ask the rest of you to resolve to be not so thin skinned when you ask for opinions and suggestions and not so quick to criticize honest opinions, whether or not you agree with them. Disagree with the opinion but not the person holding it. And for God's sakes, don't continue to slam me because I am a conservative or a Southerner or a Republican.
Home Depot - 3 per year
Radio Shack - 4 per year (one for the battery club only)
Happy hours - Okay - 26 (pay days).
Circuit City - Stay out completely
Yeah, that should do it.
I would like to make resolutions for my dogs! The puppy should resolve to not chew any more pillows and stop trying to rip up the tiles in the dog room! The older dog should resolve to stop growling whenever someone new pets her.
Just be thankful they aren't humping every leg in sight. Your world could be more complicated, ya' know.
**When we do for others what they should do for themselves, we disempower them.**
I've told my dad I will send him the therapy bills for my children. When my son was 5, he was playing with two little toy dogs. My wife walked by and he had one dog was humping the other. She stopped, aghast, and asked him what he was doing. He said he was doing what "Sammy" does. Oh boy!
**When we do for others what they should do for themselves, we disempower them.**
**When we do for others what they should do for themselves, we disempower them.**
ps - just kidding about most of the list.
**When we do for others what they should do for themselves, we disempower them.**
Thanks! I just spent 10 minutes trying to figure out how to get the icon out of the code - then like magic. I'm too old for this - my learning curve goes over the horizon.
**When we do for others what they should do for themselves, we disempower them.**
**When we do for others what they should do for themselves, we disempower them.**