
  • No - because I don't belive in the death penalty
  • Death Penalty

    What I find more interesting is prison culture or sociology. They are reportedly sending Peterson death threats. It is ironic don't you think for any prison inmate to give a lesson on civics to Peterson? That they go to such lengths to establish their own laws and hierarchy in a prison! That's got to be an oxymoron! Prison civics!
  • To the person who said I must not have known anyone who was a victim of violent crime you are incorrect. A man I was very close to was murdered in his own driveway, for his car and his wallet. They did arrest the criminals and one is on death row. I do not think killing this SOB will prove anything, I want him to suffer for ever, the victims' wife feels the same way.
    I do believe in severe punishment, just not another murder. When someone is sentenced to Life I think they should be confined for LIFE, no parole after 10-20-30 etc years, LIFE.

    Yes it costs a lot of money to keep someone in prison, but I think if the government quit wasting money putting away people like Martha Stewart they could put away the real criminals.

  • Right, like O.J. Simpson and all those insanity pleaders in Texas. I also believe in vigilante justice and firmly hold that someone should have shot him through the head by now. More people should actively participate in the justice system by getting involved in creative participatory administration. x:=| th-up
  • Hey Don, is participatory administration the same as in the old west when the town members all helped build the gallows and everyone form miles around would come to witness the hanging? Too bad that isn’t what happened to Hickock and Smith. I believe only four witnesses were present at their hanging.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-10-04 AT 04:44PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Yep - I think that's what he was talking about. Of course, "Hung by Mistake" was the predominate headstone inscription for back then as well...x:D

    ps - Hickok was shot in the head by the lilly-livered Jack McCall...
  • If I remember correctly, the Lone Ranger and Roy Rogers saved an innocent from being hanged a couple of times per month. Folks like them balanced the snap judgements made by the lynch mob. Where are they now?
  • While I don't know about the predominate inscription thing I can assure you that is not on either Hickock or Smith's stone if they even have one. Both of these men confessed to the murders of four inocent people and it resulted in a nation wide manhunt that ended in Las Vegas. Justice was a lot swifter in the early 60's, they were in the appeal process for I believe four years before the hanging.
  • Safety are you talking about Wild Bill Hickok? If you are, then your mistaken about his demise my friend. He was shot in the back of the head at the number 10 saloon in Deadwood, South Dakota. As to the headstones - I'm thinking of the old west cemetery I visited in Tucson when I was a kid - an awful lot of the headstones said, "Hung by Mistake". My brother and sisters and I quickly renamed the cemetery to the "Oops" cemetery.
  • Oops, sorry, I need to clarify for those who don’t know, Hickock and Smith were the two involved in the Clutter murders of 1959. The four murders were in a small town just five miles away from where I live. Some of you may remember the book In Cold Blood.
  • I'm always confused by the argument that killing the perpetrator doesn't offer any solace to the victim or the family.

    What solace does life in prison offer?

    The purpose of the death penalty is vengeance. And although vengance is supposedly reserved, in reality humans don't want to wait that long for gratification.

    I think we should take responsibility for the act that we as a society commit. Call it what it is (vengance)and rid ourselves of people who are not fit to live in our society. In answer to the questions about who decides who is not fit; the answer is that our society does, and that is the purpose of the jury of our peers and the rest of the judicial system.

    Will there be errors in judgement? Yes, most certainly. But perhaps the largest error in judgement is that we allow these monsters to live in our midst.

  • Right on Lisa! I'm buyin' your book, not that you have one out yet. I agree two hundred percent with your well worded answer. More than whirlwind who said several times she felt the same way Marc did while I didn't bother to page back up to see how Marc felt.

    Regarding Safety's question: "Hey Don, is participatory administration the same as in the old west when the town members all helped build the gallows and everyone form miles around would come to witness the hanging."....I appreciate MWild answering for me; but, affirmative paticipatory judicial administration is something more akin to loadin' up in a dark blue Tahoe with an assortment of 10 gauge shotguns and advancing the process by several years.

    Or, as in the case of the Arkansas rape of a teenager about 14 years ago, the subsequent spreading out of the accused (Wayne Dummond) on a dirt hillside by a band of 'his peers' chanting an appropriate mantra while appointed administrators with finely honed instruments removed certain elements of his manhood in swift, chilling slices.

    This approach saves an unbelievable amount of money for the state or township. It's been said that the sheriff somehow wound up with a Mason jar full of formaldehyde packed with the evidence, sitting on his desk. Well, it's really important to preserve the evidence.
  • Thanks for the kind words Don. Perhaps I'll learn to spell more consistently before I write that book.

    I would, however, opt for a more considered approach to the meting out of justice. I am not a fan of mobs or vigilantes. My objective is to rid our society of these people not to provide sport for sadists.
  • The jury is in he received the death penalty.
  • Considering it's California, he'll probably die of old age on death row before the sentence can be carried out.
  • I am a soon-to-be 61 year old woman who normally is very quiet and inconspicuous. However, I have reached the age where I can speak my mind and let the chips fall where they may. The death sentence that was returned has made my day. To those who "don't believe in the death penalty", I say why not? Scott Peterson evidently did, for that's what he gave his wife and unborn son. For those who said "the death of Scott Peterson will not bring back Laci and Conner", I say "neither will life imprisonment bring them back". To those who say "That will offer little solace to her family," I say bull! If that had been my daughter and unborn grandchild, I would have never rested until he was dead. And yes, his death would have brought me solace. Barbaric? What do you call the remains the washed up on the beach? If I have offended anyone, so be it. I'm not a lawyer nor a politician. I have never been accused of bein eloquent, in fact the older I get the more vocal I become. If you don't agree with me, OK. I hope you have a great day anyway!

  • I like your spunk lhill, but I am just curious. . think hard, those of you who have children. What if Scott was your son??
  • "To those who say "That will offer little solace to her family," I say bull! If that had been my daughter and unborn grandchild, I would have never rested until he was dead. And yes, his death would have brought me solace. Barbaric? What do you call the remains the washed up on the beach? If I have offended anyone, so be it."

    GO! Lhill from Texas, I think you are my hero!!! Absolutely right on. I too vote for DEATH, and slowly, very very slowly.


    p.s. I am rarely "quiet and inconspicuous" but other than that small detail, we think alike on this.
  • Death penalty. Seems the jury thought so too!
  • Sonny: In this case, the revenge and vengeance that society is obligated and allowed to exact from/on this murderer of two lives is not about his having a mother and it is not about what his mother might feel or experience. He is, according to the law of the land, due to be killed for his actions. That is society's revenge. No need to wallow in the notion of rehabilitation or what his death might do to deter others who might kill. Vengeance is not about rehab or deterrance. Vengeance is about vengeance. Society deserves vengeance. There are a hundred or more murderers on death row in California. Peterson will join their ranks and will still be sitting in a cell when most of us pass through the Golden Gates. But, I do take some joy from the fact that his sphincter will have totally lost it's strenth by that time.
  • Wouldn't matter if Scott Peterson were my son. Sure, it would break my heart, but those are the hard facts of life. We have to be willing to be responsible for our actions. BTW, just my personal opinion, but I think his suicide bit was just to get him on "suicide watch". Does this segregate him from other prisioners and keep him from being queen of the prom?
  • Mel.. how the heck r you and where ya been? Give me some points (lots) and I'll make ya wager on the game this weekend . .(sorry for the highjack)
  • Hi Sonny!

    I've been working for myself now, (I know, I'm loitering, sorry! I can't resist you guys). I left my employer exactly one month ago and they are still contacting me about employee problems. So I've been lurking here and checking things out.

    I'll wager you something on this game, are you kidding?

    It's going to be 16 degrees with a wind chill of 20 below and Florida folks just shrivel up and fall over when that happens.

    I say Packers will win by 7, easily. I like chocolate.
  • I guess you guys know Favre's wife was diagnosed and is going through chemo and radiation and he has gotten a buzz cut to make her feel less uncomfortable. Her brother was killed on Brett's place down here in MS in a four-wheeler accident two months ago and his dad died earlier this year. Lots of bad luck for sure. Some are saying this is his swan song season.
  • All of Favre's family-life-business is the top news story of the day around here. We've got the scoop on it all.

    His book came out recently and if you open the front cover, my mother-in-law and several family members are listed inside. They happened to be signed in at the Broke Spoke as guests and that's the page that was chosen for the book. Very odd.

    The state will mourn when Brett retires.
  • I've always wondered why someone who was on death row would be put on suicide watch? If someone wants to kill themself let them. And why, before they inject the lethal dose to kill the convict, do they sterilize the needle and injection site?

    And now that I'm asking why. Exactly WHY does a caged bird sing?
  • A bird in any setting sings. Why would he not?

    "A bird with a freshly broken wing,
    before being eaten, he will sing."

    See, they all do it.
  • Don mentioned in one of his posts about tracking Scott's marriage proposals. Well, he wasn't too far off. Here is a link to Scott Peterson's fan club [url][/url]

    The language is a little harsh and the site is very disturbing. In addition, Scott is receiving fan mail and very likely proposals of marriage.

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