Just saw Kerry standing on a stage in Ohio on Saturday (yesterday). This is one of the biggest lies I've heard in the campaign, coming from either side. He said, "This is the first president in 40 years to try to kill overtime. For those of you who take extra time away from your kids and families to work extra hours, this president tried to kill overtime." If people are ignorant enough to fall for that, they deserve what they get. WHATTAWHOPPER!
But, alas; today he's African American again and will be in the AME churches in Florida. Clinton was said to be 'the first black president', this guy's 'the first black candidate'.
But, alas; today he's African American again and will be in the AME churches in Florida. Clinton was said to be 'the first black president', this guy's 'the first black candidate'.
As for the overtime remark, if he said it, he's wrong. That doesn't change my mind.
On Tuesday when you go into the voting booth, you have 2 choices to carry in on your shoulders: Osama bin Ladin and his support of Kerry OR the future of our country, our kids, our grandkids....
make your choice wisely.
Are you giving equal attention to the Whoppers coming out of the Bush camp?
He told quite a few big ones on NBC last night...
The reason I posted this about Kerry's remark on overtime is because the subject is of interest to our HR community on the Forum and it was such an obvious lie and we all know it to be a lie.
The changes may not be perfect, but at least they are a step in some direction to better define the exempt/non-exempt status and "docking" exempt employees. I say thank you to whomever got this done (through the Congress.)Now, we have to wait and see what court cases we have over it that actually defines the laws.
By the way, I just voted. (I got there at 6:40 and was through by 8:55. Would have been sooner if my last name was in the other part of the alphabet.
E Wart
PS. Just got an email from my liberal sister. She has been nominated and selected to be in the Democratic "warroom" in FL. I don't know what they will be doing but I guess figuring out what to do with people who said they didn't get a fair vote. Her law firm was the one that filed suit to try to get Nadar thrown off the FL ballot!![I think I may have come home from the hospital with the wrong family.] Isn't our democracy wonderful!