early voting

I've been hearing a lot lately about early voting. I don't think Ohio has it but I don't really know. Do you know which states allow it and which states don't? The reason for early voting? And if your state doesn't do it, how can you get the ball rolling so the people can have early voting? Thanks.
If you live in a state which permits initiative petitions to get issues on the ballot, you could spearhead a vote-by-mail drive with others. I think you would contact your secretary of state for rules, etc.
A study was done earlier this year by a major research university. Two of the three electronic machines currently available could NOT be hacked into. The one that they were able to manipulate votes on has been modified since then.
I'd say you could start it in your state by bugging legislators or state election officials. If I remember right, the Democrats in Tennessee pushed early voting. Conventional wisdom is that higher turnout helps Democratic candidates, but I'm not sure that's as true as it used to be.
James Sokolowski
"Vote early and vote often!"
This whole mess about early and absentee voting and lawyers already lining up to challenge outcomes that haven't even yet come-out should send chills up the spine of every American citizen.
I'm not sure our processes and outcomes are any further advanced, as relates to credibility, than the ones we see on television where people barefooted, in rags, stuff paper into slots in cardboard boxes. America is headed swiftly to Hell. This is a non-partisan comment and opinion.
For example, we don't use "punch card" ballots - a simple number 2 pencil coloring in a little oval next to your desired choice is all it takes -any seven year-old who's ever done a standardized test can handle it.
Further, the security envelope that the ballot is mailed in must be signed by the registered voter. If it's not signed or it's not signed by the person whose signature is on file, the ballot is kicked back to the sender or destroyed.
Finally, if it's a $$$ issue on the ballot, the measure will not pass unless a super-majority votes (i.e., to pass you would need 51% of the vote and more than half of all registered voters would have had to vote). This way, measures that nobody cares about don't pass.
Is it just Ohio or is 87 the average age of poll workers everywhere?
Anne in Ohio
James Sokolowski
I understand the absentee voting, but am not sure about the early voting and why it was done, unless it is so you don't have to stand in line!!
I know my 82 year old Mother and Father did it (in a much smaller town) because the can't stand in line.
I am usually # 8 where I vote and it takes about 15 min. We will see in a week.
E Wart
My husband is voting this year (he doesn't always) I'm sure he would like to know where your poll party is! If that happens where we vote, I guarantee that he will continue to vote everytime!
Don't really know where I'm going with this-just "blogging" I guess.
As far as the electronic voting: I find people's claims that it can't be hacked into - humorous also. As long as their is some one saying it is impossible to hack into there will be someone trying to hack into just because they said it couldn't be done!
They also verify my signature on a line at the polling place, but... They pay about as close attention to my signature as the check out person does when I use my credit or debit card!
After all is said and done I will still vote!
People who are not citizens can vote as it stands now because no one is asking for proof of citizenship. Most citizens should be able to produce a birth cert or passport. But that only shows citizenship but how about double or triple voters using their birth name, nicknames and/or maiden names.
Unless the system falls under extreme scrutiny it will continue. How can we fix it? I don't know.
As far as voting 2 weeks prior to the majority I think that it is unnecessary. Absentee voting is there for everyone to use why would you need to vote 2 weeks early if you utilized it.
As always JMO,
Early voting - since about last week. WHY?? They say in case we have bad weather!! Not terribly likely in early November.
Provisional voting - go ahead and vote without registration, and we'll sort it out later. Okaaay!
Felons registered to vote, a tiny glitch in the administrative process.
Absentee ballots not being received, as of last week, due to an overload of registrations. Nephew in Costa Rica is still waiting, since September; and who knows when the Peace Corps Mali daughter will get hers.
Is it me, or does this translate to ballots hanging out in cyber space and vulnerable to, dare I say it, fraud??? Train wreck coming!!