The Aid Worker

I walked into my house Friday evening at a couple minutes after 5:00,(after a doctor's appt)the news was on and featured was a woman aid worker who had been kidnapped in Iraq. She was simply on her way to work, when she was kidnapped. Now she is pleading for her life. The video of her is too earily similar to all of the previous men who have been kidnapped and ultimately beheaded.
So now they have taken to kidnapping women, not just male news reporters or contractors, but women too. Some one who was just simply on her way to work (to do some good)and who happened to be NON-IRAQ. It's very disturbing.
So, I ask this. Should America just wait until we have a coalition of the UN to do anything? Especially France and Italy? Because it might be the wrong war at the wrong time? Because we should wait untill the Iraq kidnappers really mean it? What's the threshold? It's only serious when more than one is kidnapped and only important enough when we have a consensus of all of the UN?
On the scale of moral ethics - do you take action when you know something is wrong? Or do you take action only after the majority agrees that it it wrong?
So now they have taken to kidnapping women, not just male news reporters or contractors, but women too. Some one who was just simply on her way to work (to do some good)and who happened to be NON-IRAQ. It's very disturbing.
So, I ask this. Should America just wait until we have a coalition of the UN to do anything? Especially France and Italy? Because it might be the wrong war at the wrong time? Because we should wait untill the Iraq kidnappers really mean it? What's the threshold? It's only serious when more than one is kidnapped and only important enough when we have a consensus of all of the UN?
On the scale of moral ethics - do you take action when you know something is wrong? Or do you take action only after the majority agrees that it it wrong?
My heart goes out to the woman (she has spent 30 years in Iraq working for Iraqi citizens)mentioned in your post as well as the others who have had their heads cut off by those attempting to influence those they see as "invaders" to get out of their country and oil fields. This is insanity! But we (the U.S.A.) are just as insane to invade a country, kill women, men, and children who are going about their business -- because we say our system would be better for them. Who asked us?
I really am not sure what Americans expect a country or people not even close to its equipment or war power to do. Who could not foresee that these kinds of things would not be the only type of retaliation they could fight with? Any student of history or even current events (stones, self-bombs, etc.)would have given us a clue.
Those that kidnapped her are working their own unavailable (at least to this extent) in Saddam's government.
I don't know what the answers are.
For too many Americans it is do as I say you are to do - not as I do; understand my position, but I don't have to even consider yours.
The THEY referred to above is exactly who? Just asking for clarification.
We can debate the cancer of unsupervised, ill-raised, "I've got a right to be angry" inner city youth any time you'd like. That will more likely be the ruination of America than will be our destruction by missiles and bombs. In the past fifteen years I have carefully watched certain leaders from certain corners of society imply, in fact state, that the individuals involved have no responsibility or blame, that society at large is to blame. It's tough to put 'society' in jail for blowing the head off a 13 year old rival or for stealing your ninth car in two years or for gang banging in parking lots. x:-) peace.
I would probably be closer to you than you can imagine should we discuss unsupervised and ill-raised youth -- but would not necessarily restrict it to "inner-city youth" as if there are not plenty of well supervised and beautifully raised ones in inner cities and ill-raised and unsupervised ones in suburban neighborhoods. We have to find a way to stop talking in slogans as if it is us and them all the time and on every issue.
We all have a stake in this country and indeed this world. I don't know how to do that smiley face, but you know I wish you peace and love.
Oh no, I am not at all referring to our brave soldiers who are doing their duty in that G _ _ forsaken country. Like you, I have friends and relatives serving. They have no choice once the country sends them.
I am as misunderstood on this issue as Kerry's 1970's position, I fear.
This is not a political position. But a statement of fact.
The people in Iraq cannot be labeled with one term, just like americans they differ in motive and beliefs. While a majority of Iraqis may be glad to be rid of Saddam...others may see it as an opportunity to take power in the country.
We are immersed in a culture that we do not understand...and that makes this job much more difficult.
BUT I cannot understand those who don't see and don't feel and don't know that these same people who are guilty of this kidnapping want only to be able to come here and do it to us.
EVEN to those of you who think peace, love, flowers and hugs will solve it all.
It would be difficult to convey your support of them as they cut your head off.
And yes, there are links between Iraq and Al Qu....
What if "they" don't care a hoot about coming over here and doing it to us -- what if "they" just want to live without having us going over there and doing it to them?
As an optimistic realist, it is not just about peace, love and flowers for me, but rather about trying to walk in another's shoes. I don't want another country invading us and I don't want us invading theirs. Imagine for just a moment that you are an ordinary Iraqi -- exactly what would you do?
This is not a political position. But a statement of fact."
Denise, you must not be aware of the proven fact that Al Q were TRAINING in Iraq prior to and after 9/11. It looked like a duck to me. And Saddam sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to the families of those who were in the planes. Maybe I'm lame-headed, but if it quacks like a duck.......
Bush (the administration) said the war was about Saddam and Weapons of Mass Destruction -- Not about terrorists or training or any such thing.
Congress voted to give the authorization for Bush to go to war if necessary -- but a state of war was never declared by Congress. Oh, shoot I am tired and not saying this right. What I want to say is that your facts are not correct NationalGuard.