Why Kerry?

Why are you an avid Kerry supporter?
What quality in him do you see that compels you to support him?
Integrity, Integrity, Integrity?
He cheated on his first millionaire wife, then divorced to marry another millionaire who made him annull the marriage which conceived his children.
He back stabs his fellow soldiers after he returned from the war while they are still fighting. As he would say TIMING IS EVERYTHING.
His book Tour of Duty contradicts alot of what he is telling us now.
Wrong WAR, Wrong TIME, Wrong Place Mr. Kerry
His senate record swings for and against on many issues.
I have been researching as much as possible on Kerry and I have to say I don't trust him as far as I could throw him. He is another self absorbed politican just like Clinton. I never trusted him either. He's running for President because he can.
The media is so biased you really never get the full story. Instead of thinking like what is good for the country people are so divided by party line democrat or republican why not just American.
There are so many contradictions with this guy.
I am not saying Bush is a saint because he isn't.
What I am saying is with all the people in America are these the best we have? I sincerely hope not. Yet for this election between these two candidates Bush is sticking by what he believes, enforces it even through adversity and is making drastic changes in places no one would have thought.
In 2000 when he was elected no one could have imagined what was going to happen. That one event changed us and the President views of what is important to us. We were in a recession prior to Bush becoming elected, jobs were already lost, companies were fleeing to find a better place to do business then 9/11.
These are my opinions and should not be considered as those of other forumites.
What quality in him do you see that compels you to support him?
Integrity, Integrity, Integrity?
He cheated on his first millionaire wife, then divorced to marry another millionaire who made him annull the marriage which conceived his children.
He back stabs his fellow soldiers after he returned from the war while they are still fighting. As he would say TIMING IS EVERYTHING.
His book Tour of Duty contradicts alot of what he is telling us now.
Wrong WAR, Wrong TIME, Wrong Place Mr. Kerry
His senate record swings for and against on many issues.
I have been researching as much as possible on Kerry and I have to say I don't trust him as far as I could throw him. He is another self absorbed politican just like Clinton. I never trusted him either. He's running for President because he can.
The media is so biased you really never get the full story. Instead of thinking like what is good for the country people are so divided by party line democrat or republican why not just American.
There are so many contradictions with this guy.
I am not saying Bush is a saint because he isn't.
What I am saying is with all the people in America are these the best we have? I sincerely hope not. Yet for this election between these two candidates Bush is sticking by what he believes, enforces it even through adversity and is making drastic changes in places no one would have thought.
In 2000 when he was elected no one could have imagined what was going to happen. That one event changed us and the President views of what is important to us. We were in a recession prior to Bush becoming elected, jobs were already lost, companies were fleeing to find a better place to do business then 9/11.
These are my opinions and should not be considered as those of other forumites.
I'm changing my vote from Bush to Kerry. Not as an avid fan but as the best choice between the two. As Marc mentioned on another post - I am a GDI. I'm voting Republican in several contests in the state (including Governor), but not for President (or Senator). As I have said on another post - this reevaluation came about this past weekend & with reflection on what I (one lonely - potentially x;-) - voter) want for the country. I think it's fair to say that both sides - pro Bush and pro Kerry have their "stick it to 'em points" & each side enflames the other. I haven't heard much about Kerry cheating in the past(other than from internet sites (drudge report) & foreign newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch x;-)) - but if it is true, well, at least he wasn't a drunk. Backstabbing his fellow soldiers while they were still fighting is one way of looking at it or instead getting involved in the political process to help end the war AND - hey at least he showed up for duty. See, they are all "stick it to 'em" points. Pro-Bush supporters bob and Pro-Kerry supporters weave & then the dance continues. Ultimately, we are alone in the voting booth or filing out our absentee ballots & we all have to make our decision in that moment.
There is one thing that I hope all of us on here can agree on, I'm just happy to live in America and have the right to vote - absentee ballots, electronic voting, etc. So many countries don't afford their citizens the right or have really rudimentary methods for voting - can you imagine having your finger nail marked with black ink to signify you voted? Finally, and I don't know about everyone, but election day can't come soon enough for me! x:-)
While I too will be voting for Kerry -- if anyone could help me see that Bush would be a better choice, I would not be afraid to change. I love this country and the high ideals we try to live up to and by. Of course, it is not perfect -- but when I look at the last few years it is hard for me to believe that we have come to this.
death penalty/gun control/education/environment/
gay rights/security/etc
Basing a major decision such as choosing a president should not be based on whether or not that man is married/divorced/gay/straight/black/white/purple or whatever personal labels you might see. Take the personal issues out of the equation and vote with your brain not your emotions.
I agree in 2000 when Bush became president (not elected by the people)no one knew what was going to happen. How many people would have voted for him if he had said up front "I'm going to attack Iraq whether it's necessary or not"?
>good for the country people are so divided by
>party line democrat or republican why not just
Well, lnelson, on the ballot I'll be marking in two weeks, "American" won't be a choice, but Democrat or Republican will be. I will vote for John Kerry in this election because he is the duly nominated candidate of the party that best represents my core values, period.
I am very afraid of people who have those principles as their personal ones. If they prevail, we will have gone the way of the Roman Empire and America will be less than a mere memory ten years after. Those who claim to be afraid of George Bush should be mighty afraid of the reflection they see in the mirror.
Thank God we have the right to go into the booth soon and make our individual choices.
We should be more cognizant of hipocracy in our choice of a national leader, and the issues confronting us. Why isn't anyone talking about Bush's girlfriend having an abortion? Right, who cares about the past??
Because I'm sure you'd be one of the first to say, "It's the woman's right to choose", regardless of what George Bush (or any other father) may have wanted.
Aw, c'mon, Don -- the only time I'm afraid when I look in the mirror is when a bad hair day and a hangover coincide on the same morning. Let's not pi$$ on each other's values, okay?
Have a nice day. I must go ply my trade; let's see...what was it again? Oh, right: HR.
As a woman I resent your last statement. A woman and/or man's choice is BEFORE you have sex. Once you have chosen to embark upon having sex, there could or could not be consequences. I believe it is cowardly to have an abortion. Face the consequences, if you end up getting pregnant AFTER you have made the CHOICE to have unprotected sex, then you should have the baby and give it up for adoption if you don't want it.
I believe the CHOICE to be made is BEFORE not after sex.
I'm sure there are plenty of people who disagree with me. I feel sad for the over 800,000 women who chose to have an abortion in 2000 and the loss of 800,000 children who should have been born. Abortion is a selfish act.
There are plenty of us people who agree with you too.
We all have a right to believe whatever we want, I may disagree with you but I'll fight for your right to think as you do.
In your response to my earlier post, you stated that women who choose to have unprotected sex should just have the baby and give it up for adoption. As someone who works in an environment with severely, multiply handicapped children, I can tell you that babies with these kinds of conditions are born disproportionately to mothers who are unable to care for them, and they're not very readily adopted.