Kerry's Bills

In the last debate, "W" remarked that in 20 years, the senator from Massachusetts had authored only 5 bills that had been passed by congress. Kerry's handlers on Friday October 15 released a list of about 26 they say he has actually authored in 20 years.
Upon scrutiny, one network now reports that among those 26, six bills sought to rename federal buildings in Massachusetts, several bills would allow fishermen to use foreign-made boats for commercial fishing purposes, one about netting dolphins and a few renaming highways.
Shame on George for saying the senator has done largely nothing in 20 years!
Upon scrutiny, one network now reports that among those 26, six bills sought to rename federal buildings in Massachusetts, several bills would allow fishermen to use foreign-made boats for commercial fishing purposes, one about netting dolphins and a few renaming highways.
Shame on George for saying the senator has done largely nothing in 20 years!
I think the less Congress does, the better.
James Sokolowski
(Think "Quick Poll, Bush vs. Kerry" and #72 & 78)
I am alittle surprised that in the 20+ yrs in the Senate. Kerry hasn't tried to put any of his "PLANS" to change the healthcare system, education, welfare to work through the Senate or did he try. :-?
You're turn NG x:D
Off the subject, I just saw Al Gore on Fox. Does that man need an enema or what!?
Not sure one enema would work, he might need a "fleet of enema's". BTW, did anyone hear this morning that Kerry has Clinton going on the campaign trail for him?x:o
Ray A, put down that garbage can lid!!! You do not need it to hide from me. It will be a cold day in "you know where" when Kerry get's my vote-I cannot imagine what he is thinking to bring Clinton in for support...uuuugggghhhhhh - I may end up like the Buddha, go sit under a tree for 17 years and let it all pass me by!x:'(
If I were aiming to throw something at you, you would need something much larger than a garbage lid. Watch it!