Cost Of Plywood

Congrats to the Attorney General of Mississippi. He announced last night that he will 'put in jail any business who escalates the price of plywood, bottled water, food supplies, motel space, RV hookups or gasoline' as a response to hurricane Ivan. The sign in front of one of our Gulf Casinos, big blinking lights, says, "Closed. All bets are off until Ivan folds". There is humor in every situation.
Our hotel near Birmingham is full of evacuees and we specifically told our manager not to sell rooms at a higher price than rack rate, which is what someone walking in off the street under normal circumstances would pay.
Unfortunately, our hotel is smack in the middle of 'Bama, which is precisely the track that Ivan seems to be taking.
Seriously, good luck with Ivan. How far are you from the coast? My home is open to any Forumite who needs shelter until Ivan passes.
Many farmers, horsekeepers and landowners in the area have opened their land and hearts to anybody who has an animal of any description and anybody with any land is welcoming RVs at no charge, even though there are no hookups. And if we see a woman with her heel caught in a grate, we'll help her too. Memphis is another 200 miles north and is booked solid. Wisconsin may be the closest available rooms.
Some are bemoaning the fact that the mandatory closing of the casinos will cost the tax system 780,000 per day and some fools are mad 'cause they can't stay there and play the slots through it all.
Don D, I hope everyone is safe thru Ivan, hurricanes are powerful and scary-Been there done that.
If I may ask though, have you heard anything about GRACELAND? If you have some left over plywood could you send it UPS Next Day for delivery? I am worried about Elvis. (I read the post from Beagle on the "issues" he had with UPS, however, if you tell them it is for Elvis, maybe that will get them moving?) The world is a strange place, unions or no unions.
good lucks guys. . will be thinking good thoughts for sure.. do let us know how you make out.
We had 40+ tornadoes spawned from Frances and lots of damage in South Carolina, but this is nothing compared to going through a "cane".
Let us know how everything comes out.
Edit: just realized you probably aren't here but still wishing your guests well.
I have to rebuild my barn so I'm hoping that I can get "hurricane tested" plywood cheaply soon. Insurance will only cover the removal of the old one.
Good luck to all in Ivan's path - now Florida is watching Jeanne.
Side note: Our hotel in 'Bama has their electricity back (at least for now).
uuuuhhhh duuuhhhh:-?
it makes the kitchen hot?????? Did I get it right? Do I getta "A+"???
Really?? well, that is not very nicex:'( My spaceship is waiting...I will check with the "others" on my planet and see what they think of hospitality down here...Stay tuned:-?