The Peace Corps

This isn't exactly har-de-har, but do any of you have experience with the Peace Corps, either you or a relative or friend?
This is my first question post, but I think the people on this forum are so very smart and experienced in alot of areas.
My daughter who is 24 and very educated but is afraid of a spider in the bathtub, is going to Mali, in West Africa on September 21, about the third most underdeveloped and poorest country ON EARTH!! The usual temperature is 110 degrees, and there will probably be no running water or electricity.
I have been supportive of this noble endeavor, but secretly frightened to death!!
I plan to be a mess.
This is my first question post, but I think the people on this forum are so very smart and experienced in alot of areas.
My daughter who is 24 and very educated but is afraid of a spider in the bathtub, is going to Mali, in West Africa on September 21, about the third most underdeveloped and poorest country ON EARTH!! The usual temperature is 110 degrees, and there will probably be no running water or electricity.
I have been supportive of this noble endeavor, but secretly frightened to death!!
I plan to be a mess.
Or your could tell her about the huge spiders in Mali.
On a related note: A year ago my daughter told me she was altering her major to become a school counselor in this state which has just climbed from 50 to 48 in teacher pay. Concerned that she would not make any money I said, "I can tell you from experience that that will not be rewarding." Her response was, "Dad, it might not have been for you, but it will be for me". x:-) After all, it's her dream and I had no right to attempt to alter it.
That tells that you were a great success in helping her develop strong wings. Bravo Dad! xclap
But another question - Was this a surprise? I mean has she ever talked about doing something like this before? Does it fit with her personality? (I'm not talking about spiders in bath tubs) If so, then there probably is not as much to worry about as you think.
Perhaps another way to discuss this topic would be to ask those that do hiring how they tend to view former Peace Corps volunteers. How the experience shaped them and turned them into great ee's.
One other thing to keep in mind...if she has any student loans, deferments are available to keep the payments on hold while she is serving. Have her check with her loan holder well before leaving.
Best wishes to her!
What you said does remind me of the time I told my Dad that I was going to move out of the house and get my first apartment. I was 24, had a good job (it should not have been a surprise to him). He said "NO" anyway followed by an exlamation how could I possibly move out I did not have my own TV yet!!!. He lived for coming home after work and watching golf on tv-there was allways a tournament on somewhere in the world. Anyway, I was amused and said that I think I could make do with out a tv for a while; I was ready to be on my own.