Bipartisan Humor

My extremely conservative brother-in-law sent this to me. A lot of the emails he sends are, shall I just say, not my cup of tea but this is, as MasterCard would say, priceless. It made me laugh - it made me cry. Click on it, load it (it may take a while) and enjoy!
(My brother-in-law is a card carrying member of the NRA and sometimes, I think, would love to use me as bear bait.)
(My brother-in-law is a card carrying member of the NRA and sometimes, I think, would love to use me as bear bait.)
For you all having trouble loading the cartoon, the two brothers who created it were on the Today show yesterday morning. I imaginge their servers are going crazy. I'd wait a few days and try again.
Two weeks ago I was on one of these machines on my may to Denver when we lost cabin pressure at 26,600 feet, there was an air leak. The pilots decended to 8000 ft because the oxygen masks didn't deploy. Now, I was thinking, Denver, mile high, 5280 ft above sl, how low are we going to go!
Have fun on your roller coaster ride!
Have a great ride Leslie!
Well worth the wait.
Regarding the lawyers - they should probably get a humor implant.