To capitalize or not to capitalize

When are job titles and departments capitalized, if ever? For example, should a business card read, "Joe Smith, Human Resources Director" or "Joe Smith, human resources director"? Then, if one is abbreviating, is it the "HR director" or the "hr director" or the "HR director"? How about when talking about the department? I've seen it written differently in different places.
I agree with The Don, titles and departments should be capitalized. When you see cases where they are not, it's probably because the individual wants to be different or cutsey.
ritaanz (see?)
Most journalists capitalize a company official's title if it's before a name (HR Director John Smith) but not after (John Smith, HR director). And they don't capitalize ordinary jobs like receptionist or printing press operator.
But you're not a journalist, so you can capitalize job titles whenever you want. Same with department names. As long as you're consistent it'll look good.
As for the Employers Forum, it officially doesn't have an apostrophe, although it has one at the top of this page. The grammatical explanation is that "Employers" is being used as an adjective, like "Cubs outfielder" in the sports section. And an apostrophe would show ownership, meaning the forum owned by employers. And perhaps we were influenced by the fact that Mr. M. Lee Smith hates apostrophes in titles like that. x;-)
James Sokolowski
Being the non-HR type, James completely got by with that one, above. I make it a point to capitalize every job title when I write memos for posting or when we send out job bids and publish job descriptions. Obviously because I do not subscribe to the theory that some jobs are minor and some are major or any are lesser. And I reckon they ALL are 'ordinary'.
James Sokolowski