
Hr de har har seems a terribly inappropriate place to post some of these really somber things, but there seems to be no other place either. My question is, with all the news about teachers showing beheading to students, students looking at them in class, people watching it, newscasters deciding if they'll show it....where does one find these things anyway? I may or may not decide to watch it, but just wondered where it would be found if I decided to.
If you do view it, I would be interested in hearing your feelings after doing so.
I pray that those responsible are brought to justice.
The men who have been beheaded recently may have had no personal agendas but their murderes surely did, and it is to strike fear in every American heart.
However, after watching the "Passion" movie twice, I was not driven to fear at all and once I got home afterward, I had no trouble sleeping either time. Instead of being repulsed, I was deeply humbled that He still loves me in spite of what He went through for us.
As far as the illegal downloading of the movie, I am against it personally but couldn't it be that some folks just want it in their library since it was so popular who are not professing to be Christians?
There have been many discussions on this site about religion..and I have never felt that there was any non-Christian sentiments behind the religious remarks made by Christians. (For the benefit of newcomers, if you want a good example go the thread about the movie The Passion of Christ).I thought that we in HR were the most religiously tolerant group. Now, suddenly, I see something happening that has me angry. (This is probably an understatment) Thanks for letting me vent. However, I recognize and appreciate everyone else on this site especially those who have disagreed with me politically but who have never shown my religion or my religious beliefs disrespect. Finally, I would hope there is no censorship of the inappropriate comments that have made me angry.
Is your immediate source of anger derived from the comment that perhaps some of those downloading may not have been Christians? If so, the comment does not deny that possibility.
I did not get a lack of tolerance from the comments, just someone's personal observations about religion and an off-hand comment about downloading.
I meant no offense. Peace
Oh heck, I'll leave that for another day.
Personally, I like South Korea's response - send more troops. If every country affected by a beheading sent in more troops maybe we could make short work of them.
Incidentally (maybe), the very next day when I booted up my computer it had been eaten up by a nasty virus, and have had to replace it. In my mind I can't shake the thought that those Al Queda ba$(@ #*s destroyed my computer!
Shawn Hannity had mentioned the Drudge Report. I did a google search and did find pictures of the Johnson beheading. I didn't view the pics for long, more curious to see if I could find the web site. Very gruesome and appalling.
"no- man's-land."
Re the insurgencies I think we have no one to blame but ourselves. I feel it's pretty arrogant of us to assume that Iraq even wants to be a democracy - they never have been in the past, why should we assume what's best for them?
All in all, I think we ought to just beat feet on June 30 and be done with it.
The final issue is this: Is it really up to us to dictate what the Iraqi people want? If they want a theocracy, so be it. If they want a democracy, so be it. If they want a bloody English monarch, then so be it. It is not the role of the American government to tell another sovereign nation what they must be.
Saddam was a bad guy and his government was not nice to a majority of the Iraqi people and I'm not insensitive to the desire to better the quality of life there. BUT to take over a country by saying that it posed an immediate threat to the welfare of the US is a big claim...and in this case, it was untrue. Saddam had big dreams, but was quite content to rule his little desert postage stamp and posed no real threat outside those borders. He did in the past, and the matter was addressed by international forces.
Our way of life is not for everyone, of course we think it's great, it's ours!! I wouldn't want to live anywhere else...but maybe there are others in the world that feel the same way?
I'm with you Beags. The insurgents are not going to go peacefully into the night after the 30th. Hell, they're already making plans to assassinate the PM. Now they are "executing" civilians, because after all, death of soldiers is expected as a casualty of war. To pluck every day souls off the street catches everyone's attention. Religious wars don't go away - they last forever.