Chicken Little - the sky is falling!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-07-04 AT 02:03PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I am calming sitting at my desk this morning reading the latest forum postings and the heavy steel cover (we are in an old building) over my light fixture falls down on my head! Looks kind of like old venetian blind slats, but 5 times the width of the steel. Talk about a killer headache!
The Operations Director accross the hall comes in and says don't move-I'll get the first aid kit - you're bleeding.
Took 3 stitches at the emergency clinic and now I have to do comp paperwork on myself.As I'm leaving the clinic, the doctor (nice guy) smiles and says "You might want to consider moving your desk."
What are some of your crazy w/c accidents?
P.S. Worse part is it cut my hair!!! Several clumps came out when I finally got to comb it after the stitches.
The Operations Director accross the hall comes in and says don't move-I'll get the first aid kit - you're bleeding.
Took 3 stitches at the emergency clinic and now I have to do comp paperwork on myself.As I'm leaving the clinic, the doctor (nice guy) smiles and says "You might want to consider moving your desk."
What are some of your crazy w/c accidents?
P.S. Worse part is it cut my hair!!! Several clumps came out when I finally got to comb it after the stitches.
One of our AAs was attempting to change the water bottle on the water cooler. As she tried to lift out the old (empty) bottle, the neck of the bottle lodged in the receptacle and she began to pull hard on it to remove it. Well, the bottle gave way and struck the AA in the chin, knocking her backward, displacing her jaw and giving her a slight concussion and whiplash.
Three and a half years, one surgery (for TMJ) and months of time loss later, the employee still is unable to return to work. Kid you not.
BTW blw, hope your headache goes away!
There's more. Our workers' comp administrator also was on the volleyball team and broke her finger, but I don't think she filed WC. Another employee sprained her finger. And I broke someone else's finger, but she wasn't on our team so it doesn't count. x:o
All of this really happened. And no, we haven't had a volleyball team since then.
James Sokolowski
James Sokolowski
I don't have any good injury stories to share with you, but here's a good "What The Hell Were You Thinking?" story: a few years ago I observed our chief maintenance engineer standing with one foot on top of a six foot pool fence and the other on a tree branch, operating a chainsaw in one hand, the other hand gripping another tree branch. He was attempting to save landscaping money by pruning trees himself...
Neither of us was hurt, but it was something of a surprise to both of us.
Having learned from that experience the stage crew decided that for future performances when the orchestra is in the pit, glow tape or lights would be run around the edge of the pit to make it more visable. A few weeks ago one of the stagehands was running cable around the pit for those lights--while the stage lights were slightly dimmed for another task. You guessed it--he fell into the pit. And, his fall was broken by a string bass! It was almost "deja vu all over again...."
Our Safety Coordinator specifically told the police officer that the raceway was more than 3 feet deep (I think it's 6 or 7 feet deep)and not to step over the embankment. Well, the officer did not heed the advice of our Safety Coordinator and wound up swimming in the raceway. We rescued him without incident and the employee was also rescued with little injury.
A week later the company was served with a lawsuit from the officer claiming that he was never told not to step into the raceway and that he had to have hepatitis injections because he swallowed some of the water. It took a good year to clear this one up.
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
I had an EE that was attacked by a goose on her way to the parking lot at the end of the day. She ended up with a fractured wrist and severe PTSD. Out of work at least five years last I heard...
I used to do WC for a base operations contractor for a federal base. We had a mixture of employees including the police and fire departments. Saw a lot of wacky ones.
One was when an employee was on travel, was on 24 hour duty (on call) and was at a bar with several of the other employees also on the trip. She was dancing, nearly nude, on the table when it collapsed. Thankfully she suffered only a small cut - think she was too drunk to hurt herself (which was a whole 'nuther issue).
Then there were my two firefighters, bless their hearts I just don't think they had anything to do most of the time. They were by far the most interesting group - highly paid, worked 10 days a month, and did nothing but sit around the fire house thinking up oddball questions for the HR folks.
They also invented some of the best WC claims.
One was for a sore back - the mattress the company provided for him to sleep on was lumpy.
Then the other one that really sticks out was the one who was sitting in the La-Z-Boy watching cable and got an eyelash in his eye. Because he was physically at work, he just knew it was wc and I had to file it. I mean, come on, he could have gotten an infection and lost his eye (or so he screamed while I tried to hide my smirk as I filled out the wc form).