To Kill a Mockingbird

How do you get rid of a Mocking bird? One has decided to make its home in a tree right outside our bedroom window. Every night at 10:30 the bird goes off. Starts talking away and stays noisy until the sun comes up in the morning. My husband and I am not getting much sleep at night. Any ideas how to get the bird to go some where else?
I can't waith to get a full night's sleep.xl-)
I can't waith to get a full night's sleep.xl-)
Anne in Ohio
<<edit>>OK, I'm beginning to recognize that may seem a bit abrupt, but I am completely serious, I am not a bird lover at all. Being in the city I deal with a pigeon problem and many people put plastic owls on their roof decks and porches to keep the problem poopers away. Maybe that would work for your mockingbird.
If I were in Boston during the convention, I'd probably REALLY be in a foul mood! x;-)
I plan on locking myself in my apartment for 4 days, I live in a tourist spot as it is. Our mayor better hope he runs unchallanged again. Boston is way too small for something like this and, to be honest, most Bostonians would prefer to not have so much publicity. We simply want to go about our business with as little fanfare as possible.
I wonder if I put a card board cut-out of John Kerry under the tree - if that would scare the bird away. It certainly would scare me!
At this point I am hoping either 1)all the cicada bugs will overtake his tree. 2) the cicadas are getting louder each passing day and mayber their steady humming will drown out the bird or 3) maybe the bird will eat too many cicadas and die!