Which is worst?

This doesn't qualify as amusing (at least not to me!) but the reason I've been, and probably will be, scarce on the forum for a while is because I have been alternately:
1. Compiling comments from an employee satisfaction survey.
2. Figuring the HR budget for FY 04-05
3. Revamping our policy and procedures (where I assume Don D would like me to remove the word trendy from our dress code!)
So folks - I had to do all three. Which is your least favorite? Feel free to add others.
By the way, I am off to the the city by the bay Thursday to watch my middle son graduate from Berkeley Law School. Consider this said with the sound of a horn tootin' in the background! (Help me out here Ray!)
1. Compiling comments from an employee satisfaction survey.
2. Figuring the HR budget for FY 04-05
3. Revamping our policy and procedures (where I assume Don D would like me to remove the word trendy from our dress code!)
So folks - I had to do all three. Which is your least favorite? Feel free to add others.
By the way, I am off to the the city by the bay Thursday to watch my middle son graduate from Berkeley Law School. Consider this said with the sound of a horn tootin' in the background! (Help me out here Ray!)
My least favorite task? Anything that takes me away from the forum.
For the past week I have been trying to realign the heirarchy so that when the much anticipated absence tracking system goes in, it works! I feel like Sisyphus; rolling that boulder up the hill only to have to roll back down, over and over. I just know that when I pull my reports tomorrow my beautiful alignment will be all wrong again x:'(
Congratulations to your son!!
The one that I completely and absolutely abhor is the travel reduction audit conducted by the AZ Trip reduction task force. How many ways can you twist an employee's arm to car pool, ride a bike, etc.?
Enjoy graduation day. Soon there will be the sound of gringing teeth when he has to take the bar exam.
>is the travel reduction audit conducted by the
>AZ Trip reduction task force. How many ways can
>you twist an employee's arm to car pool, ride a
>bike, etc.?
I remember the TRP, ritaanz. My current employer doesn't qualify - yay! We also do not qualify for an AAP. Life is good.
My current Least Favorite Task? (or "LFT"...) 401k audit - we are going through it now. Mundane reviewing of numbers. Ick. I'm entertaining myself by using a rainbow of font colors. Probably making the auditors crazy.
I also hate doing the required annual Area Wage Survey. A month of work when I already know exactly what the result will be....A recommendation for a 3-5% wage adjustment for hourly employees.
I can't bring myself to discuss the drudgery of tasks before me. Enjoy your trip and celebration!
To top it off, we were given only 10 calendar days to copy and send off the several pounds of data requested by the auditors. I noted that it would be nice, given the scope of the information now being required, to have a little longer notice of the project. The response was that since it had been difficult for the auditors to get the data on a timely basis, the SHORTENED the deadline!
Anything involving the finance or audit departments would have to qualify as among my least favorite things!
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman