Packing Habits-Head 'em up and move 'em out!!

The last couple of posts (courtesy of Sam's "closure" of the SHOES thread and Don's attempt to keep it alive after it probably deserves to be buried deep, deep, deep into the archives) make me wonder:
Among those of you who travel (men and women), how many bags do you drag along? Yes, I am bragging a little bit here, but when I travel to Alabama (or Montana or somewhere requiring air travel), I can get by for a week with one carry-on and my briefcase/laptop. No suit-bags, no crates requiring 500+ pairs of shoes (three pair max - dress black, casual brown, and sneakers). Also, I never wear a suit on my trips (suits tend to alienate the line folks). Bottom line: I think that if S Moll were with my company, we would have to take separate flights because her checked luggage would overload the plane! x:-) (just kidding, Sam. Hope you reaize that!) x:-)
Among those of you who travel (men and women), how many bags do you drag along? Yes, I am bragging a little bit here, but when I travel to Alabama (or Montana or somewhere requiring air travel), I can get by for a week with one carry-on and my briefcase/laptop. No suit-bags, no crates requiring 500+ pairs of shoes (three pair max - dress black, casual brown, and sneakers). Also, I never wear a suit on my trips (suits tend to alienate the line folks). Bottom line: I think that if S Moll were with my company, we would have to take separate flights because her checked luggage would overload the plane! x:-) (just kidding, Sam. Hope you reaize that!) x:-)
I'm going to Bermuda for a week with my mama and I have to buy a bigger suitcase. We are going to split up the beauty supplies but I'll need way more shoes for that trip because we have to dress up every night for dinner which means of course that I'll need 7 dresses as well. That is in addition to the 7 pool/beach wear and 7 afternoon/shopping outfits.
All this and I have to make sure I still have room for souvenirs :-S
Sam, he's not kidding - he meant that slam. Don't trust him.
I am a pro at packing a carry on to hold me for 5-7 days. And I'll even bring a suit if I need one. I have a great carry-on with a separate area for a suit.
I've even been complimented on my packing skills by customs on the way back from my honeymoon. The agent opened my carry on and saw all my clothes neatly packed. He asked if I had ever been in the military because of the way I packed.
I told him, "No I just watch Oprah." x:D
My wife on the other hand can barely pack for weekend trip to Vegas without bringing 2 bags of clothes and another bag for make-up and hair products.
My husband can't go anywhere without about 42 bags, each of which weighs about 80 pounds. Even a weekend getaway requires that we use the luggage cart at the hotel and request a first-floor room - it takes him at least three trips to unload the car! I have no idea what he carries in them, and we always seem to end up at a WalMart or Target store to fill in the items he forgot to pack.
After we went to dinner, we were sitting outside the Ritz waiting for my car. He had a cocktail hour to attend. He says, "Guess I'll go upstairs and shower." I'm about ready to say, "And change your clothes?" when I realize what in the world can be stuffed in that back pack that would look better than what he had on at that moment.
I still wonder if he gave his talk in those parachute pants....
aiming to pack one small carry-on bag, mix and match clothes, small essentials and that's it. My spouse taught me how to pack military-style when filling a bag.
Just more comfortable in the jeans and workshirt I guess.
I traveled a good bit for work and learned REALLY FAST to not play the guess where my luggage is game. If I must check luggage, I carry an emergency outfit in my carry one. Unfortunately, I've discovered that I can no longer crochet on flights, metal hook things to do make the cut! So that's one less thing to carry.
If it's a trip of less than 4 days, my carry on is plenty. I have only a few shoes to choose from, so that's not an issue. I try to avoid carrying a purse at all costs...
A longer trip may require checked baggage, but I still pack very light.
My hubby on the other hand.....:oo
we went to FLA last year for 4 days, mostly business, some fun. He had 2 checked bags. I had my carry-on. We had to take separate flights, so it wasn't even like we shared the luggage. He had 3 changes of clothes for each day.
In the same small suitcase, I spent two weeks in London and Venice with 2 pairs of shoes, 5 pairs of pants, a blazer, a sweater, a rain jacket, 7 long and short sleeve tops, undies, socks and toiletries. Same carry-on, same contents with additional guidebooks and purse separate. It took a small extra bag to get the books and souvenirs home.
To go to my parents for 5 days it takes a larger suitcase, multiple changes of clothes and shoes, etc.!