Posted as a public service follow-up to the Shoe Shopping thread. Talk radio Tuesday, about 4 a.m. had a psychologist on talking about shopping habits and the psychology employed by mall designers and the like. He said that trendy shops on Rodeo Drive all have really high-gloss floors because the high-dollar shoppers expect that and are comfortable in that venue. But, he said, women who are not high society, high-dollar, top-end, ultra high income, are very UNcomfortable with the high gloss floors and that's why you don't typically find them in America's malls. The few stores you see in a mall that have super gloss floors and tons of lights are the ones that you hardly will see a customer in. 90% of female shoppers fit into the low-gloss or no-gloss category and he cautioned to not be offended by the comments, since they're simply facts. Most women, he said, will shop till they drop if the designers of the mall and the shops utilize these concepts when they design stores. He said Gloss Anxiety is a clinical term for this phenomenon.
Next week: A report on why most women would love to have a mirrored disco ball hanging in the bedroom.
Next week: A report on why most women would love to have a mirrored disco ball hanging in the bedroom.
Are you suffering from "lack of nooky"?
I was going to observe that our local Target and Kohl's department stores tend to have very glossy floors. But, then being as far away from NYC as we are, they might be considered high end establishments.
Your friend and faithful unbiased contributor.
I hope someone at M. Lee Smith has the presence of mind to realize how valuable these forum discussions are and is compiling them into a volume or two for sale at the SHRM Store. x;-)
In any case, I thought tent revivals are not as popular as they use to be.