
Oxymoron Example: "Oxymoron" - Removing the Ten Commandments from the courthouse because it mentions God while making people in court rooms swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help them God, while placing their hand on the Bible.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
I believe Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and possibly other religions also view these writings as holy texts.
The secularists want ALL references to religion removed from our society - even broad references that clearly do not establish any state preference towards one particular faith.
They truly want to change the very foundational beliefs of our nation. Our very liberties are based on the belief that we are endowed with them by a Creator.
In Alabama, a judge put up a sculpture of the Ten Commandments that was as big as a washing machine, and he made it clear he was promoting Christianity. If I were an agnostic or Hindu and had a lawsuit before him, I wouldn't believe that he would be fair. Maybe he would, but that's not really the message he was sending.
As for swearing on the Bible in court and mentioning God on coins, courts have sort of sidestepped the First Amendment issues, saying it's a historic tradition, blah blah.
James Sokolowski
Thus we have another oxymoron: the separation of church & state. Even if one is an athiest, then he himself is his own god and will act accordingly. If that person is a politcian, he will submit laws or pass laws accordingly, thus forcing me to accept his religion, that of man being his own god.
Are there states out there that still do have that wording?
While there may have been some concerns with this judge, at least he did not let criminals go with a slap on the wrist. He kicked them in the ass and gave them real sentences!!! A pleasant change from the large number of pathetic weak willed judges out there who do not punish the guilty.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
I'll check back tomorrow. TTFN - I am part time!
The sign that says "Welcome to Maine" right at the point where construction has closed off that road and diverted traffic (they were fixing a bridge).
Should have read "Welcome to Maine, now go home!"