Testing, testing

This is a test of the emergency posting system. If this were a real emergency, you would be instructed to log on to the emergency posting thread. We will return you to your favorite humorous thread as soon as the test is completed. Thank you for your cooperation.
Note: The preceeding is my personal opinion and has no value beyond that. Although it may be 'sorta offensive' or 'indeed offensive' to someone out there, it is offered without regard to that possibility. Should you find yourself alarmed by my post, you may privately mail me to protest or you may alert the principal's office. x:-)
Happy Monday
When you say you posted from home, do you mean "the home"?
I wonder if we could get the little "on fire" symbol on this thread. You know, much ado about nothing?
>03-29-04 AT 12:02 PM (CST)[/font]
>I wonder if we could get the little "on fire"
>symbol on this thread. You know, much ado about
Just for you Paul. x;-)
EDIT: Drat, it didn't work! Wasn't it once 15 posts for the 'fire'? :-?
They must have changed the rules on me...
Whatever, my esteemed colleague from MS keeps sending me obscene emails at my home address and I have to monitor closely before my wife opens them.
At around 4-4:30pm my time (PST) I get lonely on the forum as everyone seems to stop posting around then. I don't go home until 5:30. x:'(
Cinderella, I didn't get the memo on the group hug, either, so don't feel left out. x;-)
I know what you're thinking, Ray.
Note: The preceeding is my personal opinion and has no value beyond that. Although it may be 'sorta offensive' or 'indeed offensive' to someone out there, it is offered without regard to that possibility. Should you find yourself alarmed by my post, you may privately mail me to protest or you may alert the principal's office. x:-)
Way to go, everyone! Good work!