Meeting No No's

I just attended a meeting in which three people wanted to talk at the same time (not me) or tried to talk over each other, someone passed some gas (cause is sure smelled) & at one point the conversation drifted off into what machinery/tools to buy for our woodshop (very exciting stuff xflash ) - say hello to our systems team meeting consisting of 3 managers and approximately 4 other employees. The meeting just ended, it's 4:00 p.m. and I'm drinking coffee 'cause the darn meeting zapped me of my energy & almost my will to live.
What are your pet peeves in a meeting, crazy stories, etc. in regards to either how to conduct a meeting or what you expect as a participant? On someone's list, I xpray it must say, "Thou shall not put your attendees to sleep or cause asphyxiation." x;-)
What are your pet peeves in a meeting, crazy stories, etc. in regards to either how to conduct a meeting or what you expect as a participant? On someone's list, I xpray it must say, "Thou shall not put your attendees to sleep or cause asphyxiation." x;-)
We had a consultant come in who brought some sort of bean bag toy to the meeting and suggested no one talk without the bean bag. It was fun for awhile, but really not very practical.
Rad, do your coworkers realize you have a psychopathic side?
There was a Dilbert column about this a few months ago and it was hilarious. My old boss used to use them for everything thinking they made her sound savvy but she used the terms all wrong so no one ever knew what the heck she was talking about.
Your machines are pretty advanced, celeste! x;-) (Just giving you a hard time...)
My pet peeves?
People who interrupt. I'm not talking about at the end of a sentence or when the conversation is drifting off, I'm talking about when I'm in the middle of making a point and someone starts in with their own. I just give 'em the eye and keep talking.
People who form their own side-bars during meetings. I just stop talking and stare at them 'til they notice. Then I continue where I left off.