Anybody working today???

OK, who is actually working today? I don't mean just putting in your time wandering around being a nuisance, but actually doing something constructive. I hae 5 interviews scheduled this morning then finish up some paperwork this afternoon. May get out early - about the time Beagle goes to lunch.
I do have two salary surveys I will complete and I think that's about it!
Happy Holidays to all!
Happy Holidays everyone!
xhugs xhugs xhugs
Happy Holidays from the great state of South Dakota!
I am taking this time to do PR with our EEs getting out on the floor wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, asking about their families.
Would like to wish everyone out there a truely Merry Christmas, a safe and blessed Holiday Season.
We close up shop at 6pm, but every year we still have people in the store until after 7pm. I just think that is so rude.
We have familes that we want to go home to, but these people wait until the eleventh hour to do all their shopping, and then they get mad because we're telling them we are closing!
Enjoy a safe holiday season.
Hey we're starting to deal over here. Either of you guys in? Five card draw. x;-)
I have a lot of family visiting and all but two of us are sick with some sort of bronchial thing. Coughing and hacking - so far, I have been waiting on everyone hand and foot. Had to come to work for some time to myself. That aside, it's great to have everyone here. Mom and Dad drove in from Sun City with Sis. My daughter and her SO flew in from New Jersey. Everyone else is here is spirit or are we there in spirit? I get so confused.
Happy holidays to all.
Beagle, I see your dime and raise you a quarter.
Uh, wait. Wrong game. Somebody brought in an Old Maid deck. Can't play poker with that!
We were going to get him an electric scooter but when my guy called to make sure that his ex had'nt already gotten him one she declared it unsafe. He's 11 for crying out loud!!! So we got him the bike, see, no scooter like she said. HA!
The box says for ages 8 and up, I think it will be fine.