Oh, good grief, Charlie Brown!

Happened to be watching "A Charlie Brown Christmas" last night (which I have done religiously every year since I was 8 years old) and the Forum came to mind - why? Because it was very easy to imagine the characters populating this Forum as Peanuts characters. Some characterizations were easy; some were a little more challenging. For your edification (whether you want it or not) these were the character assignments I made - blanks after the character's name means that I couldn't decide who it was:
Schroeder - Ray A.
Lucy - either Margaret or Ritaanz (couldn't decide)
Linus - James Sokolowski
Peppermint Patty - Leslie
Sally - Mwild
Pigpen - Don D. (face it - it's tough to put a Southern personality into a Peanuts character)
Violet -
Little Red Haired Girl - Mjindra
Snoopy - he's a beagle, ain't he?
Who have I missed?
Schroeder - Ray A.
Lucy - either Margaret or Ritaanz (couldn't decide)
Linus - James Sokolowski
Peppermint Patty - Leslie
Sally - Mwild
Pigpen - Don D. (face it - it's tough to put a Southern personality into a Peanuts character)
Violet -
Little Red Haired Girl - Mjindra
Snoopy - he's a beagle, ain't he?
Who have I missed?
I'll accept Schroeder, he was the cerebral piano player
And I would not nominate anyone for Pigpen. Might offend someone.
Apparently Beagle has... x;-)
I swear I'll visit more often soon. We are opening two, count 'em TWO new schools: one next week, one the week after. I don't remember the last time I saw the bottom of my in-box, my voice mail or my email. Maybe next year!
Man, I haven't been backpedaling this fast since the coaster brake on my Stingray went out! :-S
Wait a minute, Sally has always had it for Linus, hasn't she? Who is the Forum-Linus? I better check that out before I volunteer to be Sally.
Or I could be one of the teachers. I tend to mumble (think "mwa mwa mwa mwa mwa") A friends mother used to call me mush-mouth.
Beagle, I hope the next time you wear your SpongeBob tie, it gets tied to tight. x;-)
Ray a - you are my new best friend.
Guess I gotta take the good with the bad!x:D
"Snoopy is an extroverted beagle with a Walter Mitty complex. He is a virtuoso at every endeavor- at least in his daydreams atop his doghouse. He regards his master, Charlie Brown, as "that round-headed kid" who brings him his supper dish. He is fearless though prudently cautious about "the cat next door." He never speaks- that would be one human trait too many- but he manages to convey everything necessary in facial expressions and thought balloons. A one-man show with superior intelligence and vivid imagination, he has created such multiple personalities as: Joe Cool, World War I Flying Ace, Literary Ace, Flashbeagle, Vulture, Foreign Legionnaire, etc."
And, I like Rerun for DJ the Balloonman:
"Rerun Van Pelt is often mistaken for Linus even though he's his little brother. He can always be recognized in his trademark overalls. Rerun is more skeptical than his brother, much harder to convince, and always gets around Lucy where Linus gives in. His only fear is being the passenger on one of his mother's bicycle-riding errands. Somehow, Rerun is the only witness to her riding into grates and potholes. Luckily, he always wears a helmet. Rerun also longs for a dog of his own, but since his parent won't let him have one, he tries to "borrow" Snoopy from Charlie Brown. Snoopy won't have any part of it unless Rerun brings cookies."
And, I like Franklin for Parabeagle:
"Franklin met Charlie Brown at the beach in 1968. They'd never met before because they went to different schools, but they had fun playing ball so Charlie Brown invited Franklin to visit him at this house across town for another play session. Later, Franklin turned up as center-fielder on Peppermint Patty's baseball team and sits in front of her at school. Franklin is thoughtful and can quote the Old Testament as effectively as Linus. In contrast with the other characters, Franklin has the fewest anxieties and obsessions. He and Charlie Brown spend quite a bit of time talking about their respective grandfathers."
The Peanuts' Parents. The faces you never see, the voices you never hear other than the "mwa mwa mwa" sound. I'm like that - I keep giving out all this good advice for free (unlike Lucy who charges 5 cents per session)and nobody listens to me either!
But I couldn't do Sex in the City - I've never watched it (can't stand Sarah Jessica Parker - don't know why, she just grates on me like nails on a blackboard).
As soon as I posted I knew I would remember!
Beagle, are you going to tally the final results?
BTW, in the TV programs, the parents voices were represented by a trombone - maybe that should be me.