Okay - confess

Who went shopping the day after Thanksgiving & how early did you get up?
I went, for the first time in my life (really) this past Friday & had a blast! My sister and I got up at 5:30 a.m., stopped at Starbucks and other than lunch, didn't stop until about 1:30 p.m. I scored BIG time deals & had about the best shopping experience of my life - no horror stories to report & the longest line I had to stand in was behind this women with three items to purchase - literally, cashiers were standing in front of their registers saying things like, "I can help you over here ma'am", etc. The only downside was the guilt trip my boss inflicted on me when I told him that I actually shopped at Wal-Mart (got a huffy bike for my son for $24.88 - love, love, love OR - no sales tax). Any other stories?
I went, for the first time in my life (really) this past Friday & had a blast! My sister and I got up at 5:30 a.m., stopped at Starbucks and other than lunch, didn't stop until about 1:30 p.m. I scored BIG time deals & had about the best shopping experience of my life - no horror stories to report & the longest line I had to stand in was behind this women with three items to purchase - literally, cashiers were standing in front of their registers saying things like, "I can help you over here ma'am", etc. The only downside was the guilt trip my boss inflicted on me when I told him that I actually shopped at Wal-Mart (got a huffy bike for my son for $24.88 - love, love, love OR - no sales tax). Any other stories?
Good company, lots of tequila at both places. I was sorely tempted to carb-out on stuffing, potatoes and gravy, etc. but was a very good boy the whole time.
The day went really smooth and we got a lot of compliments from customers on how quickly the lines moved. th-up
That is so funny you mentioned the guilt trip at shopping at Wal-Mart. Yesterday's newspaper had an article on how Wal-Mart guilt is a growing phenomenon. People don't like Wal-mart, but they like the low prices and will shop there regardless. I just heard on the news that Wal-Mart did 1.5 BILLION on the day after thankgiving. That's a lot of guilt! x:D
Next for me is the day after Xmas. Here's a tip for everyone. DO NOT return items the day after. Wait a few days or weeks. It's okay really. For some reason people feel compelled to do returns the day after, when everyone and their mother is doing the same, and then they complain about the long lines! x:o
I still feel horrible, really, and I know those bickering ladies behind me are still talking about me. Sorry ladies!
Bowled with a 19 pound bowl this time. I am still sore!!!
I have my list done and usually hit one or two stores on my way home from work. I find it much easier then trekking the malls alllllll day.
I never shop the day after Thanksgiving. In fact, I'm lucky if I have my shopping done by Christmas eve most years. I just slept in until 9 a.m. and watched the news reports on all the shoppers beating each other up to get a couple pairs of socks.
PS - Just don't let anyone see the Washington plates on your car as you're loading all your big-ticket purchases in your trunk. You might get egged. x;-)
>Washingtonians coming across the river and
>leaving your money with us, Mwild. x;-)
>I never shop the day after Thanksgiving. In
>fact, I'm lucky if I have my shopping done by
>Christmas eve most years. I just slept in until
>9 a.m. and watched the news reports on all the
>shoppers beating each other up to get a couple
>pairs of socks.
Speaking of that PB - what about the lady who got trampled in Wal-Mart trying to buy a $29 DVD player. Wal-Mart, in the spirit of the season, called the hospital and offered her a free DVD player. Sam Walton must be spinning in his grave!
Of course, he did get off his soapbox a little bit when I told him about all the similarities between WM's practices and our local, HUGE, aerospace manufacturer as well. ;;)
We do business with that local, HUGE, aerospace manufacturer - and right now, the guilt doesn't stop us from cashing the checks x;-)
I got up at 4:30 and left the house at 5, driving to St. Louis. I was in line at Store 1 at 5:50, and hit Store 2 by 6:20.
At 9:30 - after Store 7 - I was on my way home, completely finished with all my Christmas shopping.
It feels good.