Addition to Forumanic Calendar

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-20-03 AT 11:15AM (CST) by James Sokolowski (admin)[/font][br][br][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-20-03 AT 10:28 AM (CST)[/font]

OK--while I've been a lurker--not much of a contributor--but definitely have benefited from the wealth of information and humor this forum has provided---I thought I would go ahead and post a pic. It's so helpful to match names with faces--especially on these chat boards. I think it adds to the conversation when you can almost "see" the person talking. x:-)

I had requested a HR Hero T earlier, but not in time before they ran out.

So here's me and the hubby...


...and just me (wasn't sure if spouses were "allowed" in the calendar).



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