Just saying hello ...

Thought I'd drop in and update you on my fun, little son, Cole. We're keeping busy, but life is good back at the Reeder Corral.
Glad all is going well.
A very handsome young one that you have !
xpray Heaven help me, Don, there's no "going to be" involved here. He has arrived! I prefer to call him "spirited." Once he becomes mobile, I'm in for it! Thank goodness it's so much fun ... and hey, I still need to lose several pounds, so the exercise will be worth it, right?
Changing topic why is my table of contents listing this as "Justing saying hell"?
Your son is adorable. But there is a definite twinkle in those little eyes... Wonder where he got that from?
Paul in Cannon Beach
I wish I could claim something besides the dimpled chin, but he is his daddy made over in looks and personality ... the guy I fell in love with because he was so darn cute and had a fun sense of humor. The real question ... can I handle TWO of them at the same time? Yikes! I do believe I'm outnumbered.
BTW, I'd love to see an updated picture of your little one, Paul!
Yeah, Cole's daddy said he thinks we need a little sister to keep Cole entertained and I told him that was fine as long as he was willing to carry her in his belly for 9-10 months, push her out with no epidural, be up with her every two hours to nurse her ... well, okay, he can have the epidural if he wants one.
In other words, let's give the mama a little rest! x;-)
Absolutely adorable - and what a happy little bugger he is!
Maybe we're related in some way - where are you from?
Happy holidays.