Anybody else need to join . . . ?

Six months ago I had never heard about the HR Forum with all of these knowledgeable, funny, entertaining folks.
Today, I'm forming my own club, FAA, Forum Addicts Anonymous. I'm electing myself President and I'm taking memberships.
I don't think I've gotten a single thing accomplished today; I must have received 100 e-mails stating that a post was updated and I just about knocked my soda over trying to get to the newest post.
Is there help? How do I wean myself? Join the club so I don't feel like the only one! How does everybody else get through their day?
Today, I'm forming my own club, FAA, Forum Addicts Anonymous. I'm electing myself President and I'm taking memberships.
I don't think I've gotten a single thing accomplished today; I must have received 100 e-mails stating that a post was updated and I just about knocked my soda over trying to get to the newest post.
Is there help? How do I wean myself? Join the club so I don't feel like the only one! How does everybody else get through their day?
And Ray probably won't see this for at least another hour. It's 5:15 his time - he's on his way home probably grab a bite to eat, then he'll turn on the home computer. Too late. x;-)
Poor ray, I'm not sure about his name . . . what do you think about Don. Don King? HA!
Get a tiara. They can't ignore that! I sleep in mine if I get depressed!
Margaret Morford
Beagle, I will get even and this thread proves you are the evil twin.
Don, soda doesn't have alcohol, so you probably wouldn't understand.
BTW, I tried and tried to get on the forum last night, but we were knocked off the internet all night long due to power outages from the high wind storms. By this morning I was experiencing withdrawal symptoms.
Ah... since you are using royal titles, I want to be called "Prince Charming".
Until about a month ago, I literally would keep the Forum on my screen and pop in and out all day every day. When the alligator dreams began plaguing me (Ray a, Parabeagle and ritaanz, is "plaguing" a word?) I finally took Don D's advice that I am putting off stuff that cannot be put off, so I've limited my Forum time to once or twice a week.
While I AM getting more work done, I am definitely suffering Forum Withdrawal - a real condition. I promised myself I would visit the Forum for at least an hour, three times a week. I probably skim over a lot of threads that I wouldn't want to miss, but there's got to be a balance somehow, right? I just want to be reasonably caught up so I can not only fall, but take a full dive off the Forum wagon again. x:D
PS. You can be a Queen as far as I'm concerned.