Gray Hair Is Hot

Woo hoo! Finally! Vindication! A survey of a whole bunch of women (where I don't know) says 72% of women think gray hair on a guy is hot. Guess I'll be throwing away my Just For Men, now. x;-) What do folks on the Forum think about gray hair?
Did they give any results on what men think of gray hair on women? I suspect the opposite is NOT true...
Only an accident of genetics or a horrible brush with death turns a full head of hair gray while the owner is still young. In most people, it’s a sign of advancing years. Aging confers many benefits on men:
1. They accumulate power and status in the form of money and position
2. They become wise in the ways of the world and women
3. They know how to have fun
4. They make good fathers
My question: just what is the age group of the woman they posed this question to? It's users. Hmmm. Sounds young to me. However, the writer is in her 50s.
I didn't realize that men ever became wise to the ways of women. So there's hope yet, eh Leslie?
Throw that Just for Men away, Beagle!!!
BTW, I got my first gray hair when teaching at age 22. Quit teaching, the gray went away until I turned 28.
Actually, I watched that show called "Average Joe" last night and I was referencing the plot point and some of the males on the show. Personally, I dig gray hair on men - it reminds me of my grandpa x0:)
My grey used to reside only in the back of my head but has crept around to the sides now too. I'm only 34 and I look like my hair has been FROSTED for cryin' out loud! I still refuse to color it. THAT would mean maintaining my roots, and I'm not sure I want to try the egg whites/coffee thing.
I definitely think grey hair is better than dyed hair. In my book, men should never spend more time on their hair than a woman does.
I RAN to CVS...x:'(
My grandmother had snow white hair in her 30s, according to my mother. I also started to grey in my 30s, but wasn't ready to appear older than my years. I've had my hair colored ever since - first, every six weeks, then every five, now every four, and just about to give in to every three weeks. I love it - it's shoulder length, really thick, and naturally curly. I've thought (occasionally) about letting it grow out to its natural colors, but I'm not quite comfortable with the horizontal stripe I'd have to live with for who knows how long. Also, I'm not at all sure how much grey there is, so don't know if I'd like the results. I'll keep my colored tresses, thank you. th-up
By the way, I love my father's silver grey hair. However, I've never been blessed with a grey-haired husband - both first and current went bald long before grey!