Zig Ziglar
Went to my first Zig Ziglar seminar yesterday. I love him! I need input and motivation every now and then, don't we all, and he does it for me. His set of tapes was $749, EGADS! I think I'll be checking for them at the local library or used book store.
Anybody else listen to motivational tapes or books on tape in their vehicles? If so, what's your favorite?
Anybody else listen to motivational tapes or books on tape in their vehicles? If so, what's your favorite?
Zig Ziglar - well, he has a time and a place, too. I used to like those, including the ones by Steven Covey. They're good for some subliminal character development - at least they're positive and inspirational.
Say, didn't Tammy Wynette record "stand by your man" - the same Tammy Wynette that was married 5 times?
Philosophically speaking, one of my favorites was "These Boots are made for walkin'" - most forumdudes and forumettes won't remember - and "Satin Sheets." I don't know much country music, but in those days, we had a neighborhood establishment with a single pinball machine. Ahhhh. So glad it's history.
>Wynette that was married 5 times?
>Philosophically speaking, one of my favorites was "These Boots are
>made for walkin'" - most forumdudes and forumettes won't remember -
>and "Satin Sheets." I don't know much country music, but in those
>days, we had a neighborhood establishment with a single pinball
>machine. Ahhhh. So glad it's history.
>Yes, Tammy AKA Wynette Pugh, a beautician, stood by her men, one at a time. Boots was by Nancy Sinatra and Sheets was by Jeannie Pruitt, I think. During my pinball days stuff in the background was 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' and Ray Charles crooning 'Jawwwjuh".
I wasn't poo-pooing Zig. Just off on a tangent of my own. Seems those inspirational things are about like a laxative. Works for awhile and then things are back to the way they were. x:-) Maybe Margaret will use that one in her stand-up delivery.
And no, Leslie; George is very much alive. I see him twice a year at Silver Star Casino at the Choctaw reservation. It will surprise all of you to know that Jimmy Buffett treks to Tennessee annually to pheasant hunt with George and Hank Williams.