Need Ideas!

OK, it's up to you guys. Every year my company holds an employee appreciation dinner. It's held at a local restaurant. Great food, great turnout. Last year we had over 300 people. The problem is - my boss being the VP of HR has to give a speech. Of course he wants me to come up with ideas for his speech. Last year we had just lost the union so we had a lot to talk about. This year it's like how can we beat last year. So I need ideas. What can he talk about? The speech doesn't have to be long - like 5 minutes and of course it's coming from HR so it has to be warm and fuzzy. I know you guys can give me some great ideas. Thanks as always for your help.
Hope this helps getting those creative juices going.
The goal is to let the employees know that management sees their contribution to the company. Tangible numbers do help!! Maybe you could even develop a power point presentation showing the improvements!