Hey football fans!

We are fired up today . . . the Packers are taking on Da Bears tonight on Monday Night Football. The only bad thing about that is we have to listen to three hours of John Madden.
Repeatedly on the radio, we are hearing the song "The Bears Still Suck!". Has everybody heard this song?
Does any other state get into it as much as we do here in Wisconsin? We don't have many Nascar fans, not many baseball fans, but (nearly) everybody is a Packer fan.
I love this time of year, when we all survive on brats and beer and can't wait for that opening song, "Are you ready for some football . . . ?"
Not getting much work done today!
Repeatedly on the radio, we are hearing the song "The Bears Still Suck!". Has everybody heard this song?
Does any other state get into it as much as we do here in Wisconsin? We don't have many Nascar fans, not many baseball fans, but (nearly) everybody is a Packer fan.
I love this time of year, when we all survive on brats and beer and can't wait for that opening song, "Are you ready for some football . . . ?"
Not getting much work done today!
Should be a good game.
I've had a running feud with my mother for years, she is a big Penn State fan and I love Syracuse.
>the last two Saturdays in a row.
Awwwww..... At least your guys didn't get trounced like my beloved Oregon Ducks did last Saturday!
My fingers are crossed!
Sorry, Bears' fans.
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
A well rounded player I'd say!
Just once I would like to see a cheerleader that looks like a normal woman, not a size 0 twig. I'm sure that would just kill you guys.
But, they all look just like my wife. Aren't they normal?
A vendor brought in pizza on Wednesday, but only to the first shift. Now second shift is complaining. My boss called me in his office and said if any vendor would bring things in again, it has to be shared with both shifts . . . . etc, etc, etc. He also said if anything like, say, Packer tickets would ever show up, or other gifts that can't necessarily be shared, then they would have to be raffled off!
ANYWAYS, this same vendor dropped off Packer tickets on my desk YESTERDAY when I was out of the office. (I do the Purchasing as well as the HR, which is how I ended up receiving them.) These tickets are skybox tickets for a Monday Night Football game in November in the newly renovated LAMBEAU FIELD! Do you know how many Packer fans have never made it inside Lambeau Field, much less into a skybox? For those of you who don't know, Packer tickets aren't available to the general public, they are held by season ticket holders and not very easy to come by. x:-(
There are several questions rumbling through my brain . . .
1. Does my boss know about these tickets, or was this conversation just a coincidence?
2. Do I "find" these tickets on my desk on Monday and let my boss know that we should raffle them off?
3. Do I quit my job and inadvertently pack these tickets in my box on my way out?
I tell you what, option #3 is looking like the best choice right now.