Help with a baby name

I am in need of help and what better people to ask than my HR buddies. My husband and I are getting ready to have our first child. We are going to be old fashioned and not find out what it is (other than a baby) until it arrives. Our problem is finding a name that we both can agree on. (I know this is an unusual problem HA HA). We finally came up with a nice girl's name that we both like but our problem is a boy's name. He is convinced, I know because I detest it, that he should name our son Otis. Now to any of you named Otis or have a spouse or relative with this name I apologize now, but I can't help but think of the drunk on the Andy Griffith Show when I hear that name. So the mission is on to help me with a name that will make Otis go away.
Thanks in advance and I'll keep you posted.
Thanks in advance and I'll keep you posted.
Floyd and Otis are two of my all time favorite people. You know that thing about, "Who would you choose to have over for dinner if you could invite anybody alive or dead?" Otis and Floyd hands down!!
And be careful if your last name starts with a vowell, as mine does. Initials can get very dicey. I didn't realize this until after my youngest was born and my ex and I named him Brett. His last name starts with an O. It doesn't get better to use the initial of his middle's my first name. Oh well, what doesn't kill him makes him stronger...#-o
Someone had to explain the humor of his email address to him. We now refer to him as Bobo.
Try to talk him out of Otis.
Here's what we did:
When my son was born, my ex and I couldn't decide on a name, I would throw something out & he would and the back and forth was getting a little tiring. So, we played around with the initials. We knew the last name, and we knew the middle (it gets passed down), so the initials so far were _ M W. It turns out my favorite name was Brian & once my ex saw that the initials would be B M W, he was hooked & the indecision was over. Maybe you could try to go with cool initials & build a name from there? Good luck & congratulations!
It seems that the name Otis is a bit "old-fashioned" and it reminds me of names that you just don't hear Otis, Ethel and Bertha. And I'm not trying to offend anyone with those names, but you know there aren't a lot of kids nowadays with those names. It just seems like it should be the name of one of my grandfather's friends.
Names are so hard to suggest because they are so personal, but I swear if I meet one more 4 year old named Hunter, Conner, Holden or Dakota I'm gonna scream! It might be a California thing but it just seems like all the yuppies are naming their kids the same names these days. Maybe Otis is a big departure from that.
I'm saying the name over and over and it just doesn't flow off the tongue though. I'd imagine he would just go by O to make it easier. Sorry, I'm no help. How did Otis become an option to begin with? Is it a family name?
Make sure any name you choose is playground safe! Can't remember where I heard that but I made sure my son's name was.
My older son is Michael. For while, we semiseriously considered naming AJ "Ike" instead. So the boys would be Mike & Ike like the candies.
My husband also suggested we call AJ "Tyson Jeffrey" so he could be TJ and the boys together would be Mike & Tyson. I didn't go for that one. It's just asking for trouble. x;-)
Otherwise pray for a girl and hopefully he doesn't like the name Thelma Lou!
I have a friend who's son is Jonah, and they call him Joe.
I am also a new West Wing junkie, and I love Josiah (call him Jed, or Joe).
Harrison (if you don't mind Harry?)? Maybe not.
Jackson -- Jack for short.
I also like William (if you can resist calling him "Billy" for his entire life.
I personally would stay away from Robert, because I've always had bad experiences with guys named "Bob."
Michael is also a solid favorite.
I had to name a friends baby because the names she selected were ridiculous, I could not let her set her child up for a life with a dumb name. Every day I chose names I liked from a baby name book, one letter of the alphabet at a time. She then selected her favorite name starting with that letter. At the end, we took all the names she liked and narrowed it down until she decided on the one she liked.
Colugero Smith? Paulo Jones? Naaaah. But, you could check with Frank Zappa!
>careful not to name him 'Medium' or 'One Size'. Don't you know your
>folks will skin you alive when they find out you got the grandchild's
>name off a chat board?
>Colugero Smith? Paulo Jones? Naaaah. But, you could check with Frank
Hey Don! Don't forget Frank called his kids "Dweezil" and "Moonunit"
How about naming him after your husband and make your son a Jr.? It worked for George Foreman 5 times!
No offense to those of you who are, are married to, or have Jr's.