
I am going to a Halloween party while at Disney World next month (trick-or-treat with Mickey -- my daughters are bouncing off the walls with excitment!). Any good ideas for a costume that wan't set me back the equivalent of a car payment?
I was a basket of laundry. I took an old laundry basket, cut out the bottom and made suspenders with rope. Pinned articles of clothing to it and tied a tube sock around my pony tail. I won a prize that year.
-- Turn a TV-sized box upside down, cut out head and arm holes
-- Paint the box whatever design you like
-- In big white letters, I wrote "Puffs - New Larger Size!" on each side, drew a big "Now only 99 Cents!" on it, and drew on the bar code thingie with a black sharpie
-- Bobby pin a bunch of tissues to the top of your head, so you look like the bathroom-sized tissue box where you pull tissues from the top
I was pretty pregnant at the time - the box fit nicely over my belly, AND it was easy to put on/take off while at work. (Well, except for the tissues on my head)
Cost: about $5 for paint. I already had the box and the tissues.
I used the same concept to be a wrapped Christmas gift. My Controller dressed up as a Christmas tree and we just wandered around together. (Green bathrobe decorated with tinsel garland and ornaments.)
One year I was the Queen of Hearts. Took 2 pieces of thick poster board, cut out a face, attached straps at the shoulders and drew the queen of hearts on the front. I wore a long yellow long-sleeved shirt and blue tights and white gloves. Mostly just cost me time. <$20
I have also been the fruit of the loom grapes. Took a large purple sweat shirt and pinned purple balloons all over it. Painted my face purple and sprayed green in my hair. Unfortunately, went to a bar for Halloween and came out looking like a bunch of raisins. Everyone thought it was funny to pop the balloons. <$20
My all time favorite was dressing up like half a bride and half a groom. I took one of my dads old suits, an old shirt with tucks, an old wedding gown and cut them in half sewed them together in front, put a zipper in back, sewed each piece up for legs so that I could just step into the outfit and zip it up. Sewed a cumberbun and bowtie to shirt, slicked back one side of my hair - curled the other side. Put makeup and lipstick on one side of my face and mustache and dark eyebrow on the other. Had one brown men's dress shoe and one white lacy shoe and a bouquet of flowers. I made half a veil and wore in one side of my hair. I went to several nightclubs and won prizes all night long. I kept that outfit for several years. >$20 but worth every pennie!!!
HAVE FUN! I LOVE HALLOWEEN. This year we are doing our house in a Harry Potter theme. We will have pumpkins and candles hanging from the porch like the halloween scene in the first Harry Potter movie.
Happy Halloween to all,