Tatoo Mania

I read with great interest the thread in the HR/Employment Law forum regarding tatoos. It seems that many of you who posted have body art in some form or another. What I DIDN'T really see addressed was the WHY of it all. My husband recently got a rather sizeable tatoo on this upper arm, which I'm not real crazy about. (The tatoo isn't offensive, I just don't really care for tatoos.) I'm really trying to understand his professed extreme desire to get this tatoo. Can somebody give me some insight here??!! What propels someone to get a tatoo and WHY is it so important?
Thank you in advance for your gratis counselling!
Thank you in advance for your gratis counselling!
A few years ago, I met a friend of a friend that is making it his life's mission to be completely covered in tattoos except for a small space on his back. Reasoning, he has his DOB tattooed just below his neck, and the space just below that will be for one final tattoo with his DOD. I certainly don't want to be the tattoo artist that gets that call! (btw, this friend is also into the whole 'scarring' idea and has piercings everywhere. One word: ewwww!)
I just don't understand some people!
I have a belly ring - no huge reason. My husband thinks they're cute & so do I. It's nothing that has to be displayed (unless I want it to be) and is not permanent like a tattoo would be.
I have a friend who was branded a few years ago. And yes, that is exactly what it sounds like. He let someone use a red-hot iron to put a pattern of S-like shapes around his wrist. It became so horribly infected looking that my husband advised him to put some kind of antibiotic ointment on it, which he did. Now you can barely see it. He found out later that you're supposed to let it be infected and icky so you get the "good scarring." I can't believe he went through that for nothing. Actually, I can't believe he went through that at all.
I got it when I was 39 years old - going through either a mid-life crisis or a long-postponed adolescent rebellion. My first spouse and I were on shaky ground, and we separated about 8 months after I got the tatoo. Oddly enough, in that time, he either never noticed it or was too polite to say anything about it!
My new son-in-law (the one who wore his vampire teeth as part of his wedding formalware) spends most of his time designing his future tatoos, while my daughter works to support him and two little kids. Go figure.
Well, the guy pulled his pants leg up and my brother was floored. It was a string of Christmas lights winding up from his ankle to the top of his leg. Needless to say, the guy won the beer. My brother only had one word for the him... Why?
The guy said he always wanted a tattoo, but only one that wouldn't scare the grandkids should he ever get any!
I have recently gotten a maple leaf tattoo right where the foot starts becoming the ankle on the front so it is visible when I wear shorts. It is actually an outline of a maple leaf and my SO colors it in every once in a while to reflect the seasons. It is in honor of the state that I adore and is my spiritual home if not my actual one, Vermont.
I'm getting ready for number 4 but can't decide on a location or design...any suggstions anyone?
I like shamrocks though, don't get me wrong.
A friend's son in the Navy has been overseas for more than a year. He's on leave right now, and it appears that he is determined to cover at least 80 percent of his body with tatoos. None on his neck or face...yet. Those will have to wait until he gets out.
I mentioned on another thread that mine is designed and ready to go, but my mother has said she will never speak to me again if I get it and come back to haunt if I wait til she's gone
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman