My trip to NY!

I just returned from a short vacation to NY. It was a blast, but I have to say I am little broke now. We went to a dance club one night, it was $25 to get in and $12 for each drink. That is crazy to me but the place was packed. However while I was there I met a few celebrities, Jack Black and a guy named Brian who is the host of american idol. Have any of you had a similar experience?
As we got on the elevator to go.........we heard an ear piercing scream as a woman recognized him.......I felt sorry for him as the doors closed.
The only other brush with celebrity that I have had was serving drinks to the head of a crime family at his grandson's baptism...........good tipper, 4 drinks, $20.00. :-)
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Miami Dolphins owner has his jet here quite often and has some great football players with him at various times. He apparently has a home in nearby North Carolina.
BUT, when I was in NYC just recently, I personally touched 5 million travelers in the subway station - I was going the wrong way at 5:00 pm. Does that count?