Rob Schuster and Dove Hunts

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-24-03 AT 12:19PM (CST)[/font][p]HR-DE-HAR HAR is loaded up so I will risk it and post here. Regarding evolution and creation, Rob posts excellent points. I think I like his wisdom and notice he is relatively new. He's the kind of guy I would invite to a long Saturday drive in the countryside with Jack Daniels. Has excellent points and needn't conclude with apologies to those possibly offended. We needn't obsess in these columns about who among the masses we might offend. We should simply post opinions laced with our own facts based on experience and move on. Rob:Good job! This weekend opens migratory dove season in MS. with Labor Day being opening day. I anticipate this day annually, not because with a killer instinct I get to shoot a shotgun at light grey wide-eyed doves, but because my 23 year old son joins me and other friends for a long day of outdoorsmanship, good grilled food, a couple of adult beverages, those who are brave enough to-strumming and singing, a dash of mosquito spray, and a sweaty ride home only to be faced with the pain of Tuesday morning reporting to the real world. What was the question?
In the middle ages, Christians went so far as to kill people who said something like the earth goes around the sun (yes we have many faults throughout history). The book made the point (maybe the teacher pushed this more than the book) that today we need to embrace science and the truth. If our beliefs are correct, then science should back us up in the end.
Rob Shuster
Don, I couldn't help but think of you last night when the local news media was hyping our Harley Davidson event and how all kinds of advertisers are jumping on the bandwagon. There's a billboard in Milwaukee featuring a bottle of Jack Daniels and the wording is "Champagne just wouldn't be right" I think you would agree.
As you probably already know, my cabin up north is really an excuse to spend time in the fall with my son and brothers and their children. I'm not the wordsmith that you are, but really identify with your expressed love for time spent with your children.
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
Don: This year will be Wisconsin's first year of dove hunting. Last year's proposed hunt was stopped by a court order. I'll have to try your recipe. Funny you mention shooting doves off of power lines. The power companies here have been making a big deal about not doing that.
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
OOPs, I jumped to write before I finished reading the sentence, WOW I thought you needed to be quickly informed. I went back and finished, now who is Rob and where is his post?
May all of you out there have a Blessed and Safe Labor Day week-end; the "Bulldawgs" and the "Ducks" will be at war this week-end. Hunting starts Saturday night in BULLDAWG COUNTRY and the "Dawgs" are "up in Here, already" and ready for the battle. ESPN@ will carry the event, ya'll be there now uhear!
>OOPs, I jumped to write before I finished reading the sentence, WOW I
>thought you needed to be quickly informed. I went back and finished,
>now who is Rob and where is his post?
It's in the Har de Har section, "Questions to ponder" posted by yours truly. Rob has a reply within.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman