Take my offense, please!

I'm sure most of you have noticed the trend as of late...I am just as guilty of it as the next Forumite.
The 'I don't mean any offense', 'don't take any offense' etc. theme strewn throughout the Forum posts. I don't know about any of you, but I am getting a little tired of seeing it, and most likely won't use the phrase again myself. I thought that this forum was for HR professionals to share their opinions, and exchange ideas and knowledge. A place where we can voice our concerns, share our experiences with others who might feel or have been through the same.
Honestly, if you don't think you'll like the topic, or if you think it might offend you, why read it? It is after all, just the opinion of another person.
The 'I don't mean any offense', 'don't take any offense' etc. theme strewn throughout the Forum posts. I don't know about any of you, but I am getting a little tired of seeing it, and most likely won't use the phrase again myself. I thought that this forum was for HR professionals to share their opinions, and exchange ideas and knowledge. A place where we can voice our concerns, share our experiences with others who might feel or have been through the same.
Honestly, if you don't think you'll like the topic, or if you think it might offend you, why read it? It is after all, just the opinion of another person.
The nurse, as a disclaimer, pulls your shorts down to expose the raw hip flesh. Her disclaimer, "This may sting a tiny bit and then it'll be over".
The Forumite says, "I don't mean to offend, but....", then watch out brother, here it comes, brace yourself.
The doctor, a small grin pursing from his lips, says softly, "This is just sort of a vaseline type agent, won't cause any sensation at all, place both hands flat on the table...." His disclaimer has put me at rest, right?
This is going to hurt me more than it does you. The day of the disclaimer.
Mary, youve been a valuable asset over the past 12 months, have done some really neat things for us, have succeded at all your monthly projects. Now, let's move on with your review. (Ohhhh SH*T, here is comes!)
Nothing negative about your mother-in-law Rufus, ..... But. The disclaimer.
Then our ever popular Forum disclaimer: "I don't mean to offend, but,..." then the 'offending' remark fires out of the barrel. This is a way (some insist) to spread on a thin, shiney coat of gentle lubricant just before inserting the cold metallic instrument. Maybe it feels like an emoticon smiley face. Maybe it's so they can come back later and insist, "Look jerk! I started my remark by telling you I meant no offense. So F**k off!"
Those of us who have plateaued to a point where we typically don't give a flyin' flip if someone twists a comment in order to feel the sting of offense, aren't going to preceed our remarks with apologies. But I catch myself almost doing that sometimes when I know the recipient is one who has frequently demonstrated to us that he/she is easily 'offended'. Some poilitical parties are expert at it. Let us lob one major, realistic comment in their direction and they "Play the O card"..."We do our very best to be compasionate caretakers and guardians of the citizenry and look, now they tell us we are bums. I'm offended. We are offended. Our party is offended. You should be offended. You should like me better that the one who made the offending remark.
HS, I don't mean to offend, but just where the hell do you get off bringing this up so early in the morning?
Don D(does it stand for dear?), no offense, but it's not that darn early. Early is waking up at 1 am EST to view Mars which hasn't been this close to us in almost 60 thousand years. I for one, will not be around when it comes back this way 284 years from now. x;-)
Don said it best.............while some may feel torched by the comments made, I think that helps you with the issue and makes you look at it from some different perspectives at work.
My $0.02 worth, although Don kicked in $0.10 easy today.
DJ The Balloonman
While I appreciate your comments.... x;-) (just kidding)
As someone on the forum that does use these types of comments - I'm just unsure how else to write my comments or counter propose/object to what someone else has said in this frustrating (at times) world of message boards. I've been blasted and I've been told that I blast back - if we could sit down and discuss the issues, although they may be heated, at least people would see or hear inflection of voice, body language, etc. But, we can't.
There are strong personalities on this forum - which is sometimes fun and sometimes not, sometimes enlighting and sometimes not, sometimes political and sometimes not. I think it was Balloonman - or maybe someone else, that gave a pretty good description of what the forum is like and his perception of how the forum is close to a law class. I like that and have tried to use it in future postings. Bottom line is that with some individuals on the forum, I will continue to use the phrases - as I've already had disagreements with them in the past - and when I say to them on the message board - don't mean to offend - I REALLY DO MEAN IT! x:-) I want to move forward & share thoughts and wisdom just like the next forumite as I too am hopelessly addicted. Amen! (please don't take offense to the Judeo-Christian reference x;-))
I've yet to be offended by ANY post on the Forum and have found it to be very entertaining because of many of the remarks. Other forums are much drier in comparison and I don't frequent them because this one is so much more enjoyable and at least as educational, if not more educational than others.
So, no offense, this is just my humble opinion, you may be right, I can see where you are coming from, but quit taking inflamatory, thought provoking and/or generally opinionated posts as offensive! (I am struggling mightily NOT to use an emoticon here!) I'd better hit "post message" before my fingers take over and do it voluntarily!
I think your point is well taken. However, most forms of electronic communications (posts, e-mails, whatever) come off more bluntly than intended. I suspect people add the disclaimer "No offense" as a way to soften the wording a bit.
That said, I have had my share of scrapes with several people in the forum. You can choose to leave or you can recognize that the forum is like life and you won't always see eye to eye with everyone. The fun part is when you really help someone with your suggestions or insight. The hard part is admitting when you screw up. I've done my share of both.
Paul in Cannon Beach
BTW, the girls in AZ don't need you - I'm here. It is 80 degrees outside, cloudy and we've had some rain. Vacation is great.
Leslie, my wife tells me I need some "real" friends. Maybe I should look you up to prove you are real. But, that could get me in big trouble too. Little Amberlie is still trying to get used to Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Tim. She's doing better. Of course she is the cutest baby you ever saw.
Surprise is a bit north, so it would be cooler.
The last time I was at the Grand Canyon, I brought a friend visiting from Nebraska. She'd never been anywhere but NE and IA and was excited to see another state. Of course she wanted to see the big stuff, including the Canyon. When we got there, it was snowing so heavily we couldn't even see over the edge. Her only picture and memory of the GC is of her and me standing in front of a little rock wall with a big cloud of snow behind us. I bought her a postcard.
Enjoy that grandbaby!
I'm real - I can't be a figment of my own imagination! Unless of course someone throws water on me. Then I'm melting....melting.....
Just remember, this is America where everyone is entitled to MY opinion.
No offense intended, man.
Mars has me uptight.
Good one Frank!