Why does it have to turn grey?

I am three months short of turning 30, and I just looked in the mirror and noticed I have three grey strands in my hair. This will be the same spot I found two of these suckers two months ago. At that point, I acted on by pulling them out with the most fear and sorrow. I am not 30 yet, still waiting for prince charming, I can't go grey yet!! =(
Fortunately for me, streaking hair is popular. I manage to work my gray in with the streaks. Looks great without giving me the 'dyed hair' look. Now if it will just stay popular until I grow in enough to just go gray...
Good luck!
My mom has what she insists on calling "platinum" hair - not blonde but white. I've always looked exactly like my mom at every stage of her/my life, so I'm quite sure I'll be fully "platinum" by the time I turn 45. I think her hair is beautiful.
I, unfortunately, took after my grandmother, and began greying in my late twenties. My mother-in-law at the time told me never to pull out a grey hair, because two more would grow back in its place. (She also told me that it was my fault that her son was balding, because I wasn't massaging his head twice a day!)
Anyway, I've been "de-greying" my hair for about 20 years now. I think grey hair is like stretch marks - even though I earned every one of them, I don't show them off!
Thanks for the b-day wish! I really enjoyed hearing about the writing on your gray hairs. Gonna have to share that one. If I tried, I could probably assign employees, current and former, and a few family members too, to every single white hair - and there are probably hundreds of them.
I happen to like my white hairs. Even with them, I get carded when buying alcohol and am accused of looking like a college student. Well, until they get close enough to see the many fine lines around my eyes. Mom calls 'em laugh lines. Platinum hair and laugh lines give a much better visual than gray hair and wrinkles, don't you think? It's all in the attitude.
I don't think of my sprinkling of white as "distinguished" and do my part to keep up the stockprices of various beauty products. When I get older, I'll realize that most 70 year old women don't have strawberry blond hair anymore and I'll give it up then. But only after my tandem jump out of an airplane.
Maaannnnn. What some people will say for a tip!
Beagle; I never saw a man who was so fond of sticking his foot on a train-track and watching the train coming, and then jerking his foot back just in time. The train's gonna getcha!!
So don't look back - just talk to your current hairdresser or find a new one. Tell them what you're looking for, and if you make regular appointments you won't look any older - maybe younger!
By the way - prove it with a picture!