All the world's a stage...

Ray's actually responsible for me posting this, by quoting Shakespeare in another thread. It made me curious as to how many former (or current) thespians are out there in the HR Forum World... besides me, anyway. And since you can never ask a question of an actor without him giving you his credits, I'll ask outright: What have you done? x:-)
Never acted in any plays, but I have read all of Shakespeare's plays at least once and some several times.
Assorted Country, Oldies and Classic rock bands.
My biggest disapointment was not getting the part of the word "And" in the "Conjunction Junction" scene in the off Broadway production of School House Rock. I figured I had gone as far as I could in my acting career and left the smell of the greasepaint for good.
In high school I was a saloon dancer in Oklahoma and one of the cousins in the Li'l Abner. I have done a few voice overs for locally produced slide shows (thing of the past) or radio.
Can't act very well - can't sing at all (people move away from me in church) so I usually do backstage stuff. (It's more fun making fun of the actors than being one!)