Ice Cream For Everyone!

On a happier note, once per quarter we do something fun for our employees. Today we provided ice cream for everyone from Ben & Jerry's. Yes we also provided an all fruit sorbet for the non-dairy people. We give employees an hour to socialize and enjoy something free of charge. Does anyone else do anything fun like this? As you may recall last quarter we served pies from a local bakery. I would be eager hear some new ideas.
We tried to implement a "Free Lunch Friday" to boost ee morale. The very first day alot of employees complained of our choice of pizzeria. Then it was the time it was served, then it was that it wasn't from the pizzeria that we first used, then it was why do we always have to have pizza, then it was why can't we have pizza like last week.
So we dropped the program and then it was you guys never do anything for us anyway
Yes, we hear some negative comments such as, why do we always get pizza, how come we only get gift certificates and not cash etc. I feel that someone would complain no matter what we do and always remind the complainers of their career options ha ha.
buy bagels and orange/apple juice
rootbeer floats
package of bubble gum (or regular gum) w/pay checks
king size candy bars (or granola bars) w/pay checks
Bubble gum blowing contests
Ice cream sundaes
To the folks that complain, I just kind of tune them out as the majority of employees love the special treatment.
A few years ago, we distributed a rather lengthy memo reminding employees of company policies, e.g., cell-phone use, MP3 players, employee parking area, time-in/time-out procedures, etc. I tried using a tactic from one of my high school teachers. About half-way through the memo, I added this sentence, "Anyone who has read this memo to this point, come to the HR office for a small reward!" I had a candy treat available. Nothing big, but just something different. Welllllll, you would have thought I promised the Holy Grail (sic?) Many walked out of my office thoroughly disgusted with me and my "tricks". For days after, I was subjected to rude remarks and giggling. Needless to say, I've thought twice before attempting anything creative or fun ever again.
***On a lighter note....for a good subsitute for rootbeer in a float, use orange soda. That's what I did....that was one of my happiest moments. I know what I'm getting as a snack for the hot, muggy weekend!!
We celebrate birthdays each month with a cake, and in addition we've done pot luck lunches (just had one today as a farewell for a favorite intern), pizza, and "build your own ice cream sundae." Last summer because of the shirt our Director of Sales wore to work one day, we did "Ugly Shirt Day" where I encouraged everyone to wear the ugliest shirt they owned. Our PR Director put it in the e-mail newsletter to our donors & subscribers.
Did a cookout last July--burgers were provided and everything else was pot luck.
Hawaiian Shirt day last August for Hawaiian Statehood.
At Halloween I put a candy in each person's mailbox, Valentine's candy for Valentine's Day, and I make "bird's nest" candy for Easter/springtime.
For the Christmas holidays we have an office decorating contest. We get people from another office in our building to do the judging, and inexpensive prizes are awarded.
I'm thinking that one morning the week our concert season begins again I'll organize a breakfast for everyone--donuts, muffins, and pancakes & sausage on a stick. [That week is always particularly hectic!]