Need input of car buffs, please.

Recently, I was having a conversation with a friend about what kind of cars are clearly male or female, in terms of their likely owners. Here's the question: What constitutes a chick car? I have my own ideas, but would like to hear y'all's. For starters, is a Mazda Miata a chick car? What is the appropriate term for the male counterpart of a chick car?
If nothing else, this topic ought to fan the flames of our growing Forum battle of the sexes. (Whatever NY: This is not a lame attempt to respond to your suggestion of a women's thread -- which is a fine idea, but separate.)
If nothing else, this topic ought to fan the flames of our growing Forum battle of the sexes. (Whatever NY: This is not a lame attempt to respond to your suggestion of a women's thread -- which is a fine idea, but separate.)
My personal sled is a Honda CR-V, which I've been told is a chick SUV. (For you guys with a CR-V: Don't shoot the messenger, as I disagree with this assessment.) My reason for this selection is that I am cursed with zero depth perception and I am a menace to society in anything larger, but I frequently drive around with a couple of large muddy dogs and nothing smaller is practical.
The origin of this chick vs. guy car discussion goes back many years ago, when a colleague of mine (who possibly needs neutering) referred to a Pontiac Fiero (remember those?) as a "secretary special." (I repeat, don't shoot the messenger). This came up again recently when my BF decided to trade in his big ol' pickup truck for something that could be parked in a smaller space, not to mention make it from one gas station to the next. Being ignorant about cars except that they can get you from point A to point B, with or without dogs, I was just looking for a little assistance on this puzzling subject.
But, I drive a big car with a V8. My wife drives a big car with a V6. And my car is bigger then her's. Draw your own conclusions.
Ford Probe ???????????? chick magnet or chick repulser?
In my opinion, the Subaru Forester is a bit of a "chick car" because (a) I only see women driving them; and (b) the commercials only show women driving them; and (c) they're kind of like an oversized station wagon or an undersized SUV.
Previously I drove Mustangs and a Fiero.
Have a great day,
As an aside, I had a woman in my office yesterday complaining about her male co-worker who constantly refers to women as chicks. Couldn't help thinking about this thread. .How many of you find the term offensive?
I'm not easily offended by nicknames, terms or endearment, or gender titles. But I don't like the "B" word either.